Ilaria Salis, “lady immunity” also inspects prisons and proposes to abolish them –

Christian Campigli

Eliminate the problem at the root. Abolish prisons (and the entire reformatory system), to never run the risk of ending up in one again. Ilaria Salis, beautiful and radiant as ever, tanned and relaxed, visited the prison in Milan. And yesterday morning, she published a video, attached to a post, on her Facebook page. «I visited several sections of the San Vittore prison. The first thing that catches your eye is the overcrowding. In the male sections, with a capacity of 480 places, there are currently more than 1000 inmates».

A four-minute video, contemptuous of judgments cut with an axe. “Another sad reality – said the woman who theorized the need to occupy empty buildings as needed – is self-harm. Which I have been able to see with my own eyes but which was confirmed to me by the staff as something daily and widespread. There are many problems, too many. The emergency is structural. We must intervene immediately”. The MEP chosen and wanted by the wonderful couple, Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli, dressed up as a modern Bernacca. And, incredibly but true, she discovered that in summer the temperature rises and in winter it drops. “There is no space to move, they are forced to stay in bed all the time, it is very hot in summer and very cold in winter, and the remedies (such as small fans) are not enough. Then there are biblical times for medical visits. I have seen a regression in Italy”. In conclusion, as scheduled, she exposed her brilliant solutions.

Salis yes, Toti no. Cyclone Cerno on Bonelli: immunity only when convenient

Video on this topic

“Foreigners and those who do not have a home, even if they would be entitled to an alternative measure, in fact remain in prison. Some ideas for immediate intervention could be: promoting access to alternative measures for all, decriminalizing minor crimes, limiting the use of precautionary measures in prison and expanding the conditions for access to early release. These interventions are the starting point for imagining a society that goes beyond prison and no longer needs prison.”

A post to which Silvia Sardone, MEP of the League, immediately responded on social media: «The Honorable Ilaria Salis, champion of illegal occupations, after a visit to the San Vittore prison explains to us that the turning point for our society would be her project for an Italy without prisons. Various criminals all free to solve the problem of overcrowding: this is the recipe of the champion of the left».

Besides, the fact that Salis has now become the champion of outlaws is not even news. Less than twenty days ago, on her Instagram profile, she wrote a long post, in which she asked for freedom for the firefighter Luigi Spera. “A generous activist, always involved in social struggles. For more than four months Luigi has been detained in high security regimes in the special prison of Alessandria”. A miscarriage of justice? Persecution?

Reading Salis’ post, it doesn’t seem so. “In November 2022, some activists threw smoke bombs in the courtyard of the Palermo headquarters of Leonardo Spa, as a gesture of solidarity towards the population of Kurdistan, hit by the Turkish government and the weapons produced and sold by the Italian company.” For the record, Ilaria Salis’ friend has been accused (in no particular order) of: possession of explosive material, terrorist act with explosive orders and incitement to crime. Not exactly trifles. And how can we forget, last but not least, the connection with her namesake, Ilaria Cucchi. A community of intent launched on Facebook, for a world without prisons, without punishments and (we would add) without justice. A point, this last one, that the two Avs exponents seem to have forgotten. Because where there is a crime, there is always a victim. An elementary assumption that, evidently, needs to be reiterated.

#Ilaria #Salis #lady #immunity #inspects #prisons #proposes #abolish #Tempo
2024-08-22 12:38:07



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