“II National Meeting of Court Inspectors Organized by IGT – TSJ President Gladys Gutiérrez Participates in Opening Ceremony”

2023-05-18 23:08:09

Caracas.- The president of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), magistrate Gladys Gutiérrez, participated in the opening ceremony of the II National Meeting of Court Inspectors, which takes place over several days at the Venezuelan School of Planning, an activity organized by the General Inspectorate of Courts (IGT), by Dr. Gladys Requena.

During the activity, the President of the TSJ expressed that the task of the General Inspectorate of Courts is complex, but full of honor, for the service to the Venezuelan people, by guaranteeing and constantly validating the suitability and excellence in the exercise of the judicial function by part of the judges in their different matters or jurisdictional competences.

In his speech, he also stated, among other aspects, that “it is imperative to continue working with deep patriotic conviction, carrying out the mission that the law has entrusted to them together with the concern for training. In the same way, it is essential that their inspection and surveillance management continue attending to the social environment and the voice of People’s Power, substantiating their complaints and channeling their proposals on a permanent basis”.

Judge Gladys María Gutiérrez Alvarado added that “we want to externalize the certainty regarding our interest in the management of each of the inspectors and court inspectors, to build a comprehensive, responsible Judicial Branch that increases its productivity with quality every day, which is why It leads us to remain attentive to the needs that arise, in order to propose and execute solutions in accordance with our competencies”.

Likewise, the President of the highest court urged the court inspectors to continue in the constant preparation and training as honest judicial servants, aware of the political, social and legal reality. “The work carried out by court inspectors in their role as guarantors of transparency in the judicial process and comptrollers of the exercise of the judicial function continue with the best momentum.”

Subsequently, the Inspector General of Courts, Dr. Gladys Requena, intervened, who thanked the President of the TSJ for the words she offered to the inspectors present, and considered that these constitute a road map, in the philosophical, social, political and institutional, which mark the relevance of the General Inspectorate of Courts as an auxiliary and integral body of the justice system.

He expressed that in this new era the work entrusted to the entire justice system is experiencing a new era that pays tribute to the Judicial Revolution. “We are going with the same national passion to do the task that corresponds to each one of us to honor the entrustment that the Council of State of the Republic of Venezuela gave us, as a result of which all this process of transformations began.” On the other hand, he added that an essential goal of the IGT is to optimize attention times, and in this sense he announced that, among other tasks, the development of an application to receive complaints virtually, and a digital tool for the file monitoring.

In the activity, magistrates and magistrates that make up the various Chambers of the High Court, the General Public Defender, the General Director of the National School of the Magistracy, as well as inspectors and inspectors of courts from all over the country were present. The day also featured a musical presentation by the Alma Llanera Ensemble, Núcleo San Agustín, of the System of Youth and Children’s Orchestras and Choirs of Venezuela.

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