“Ignorance” prompts interns and residents to announce new strike

Resident and intern doctors plan to go on a nationwide strike on Thursday, July 18, in protest once morest the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation’s “ignorance” of their demands.

According to a statement issued by the National Committee of Resident and Intern Doctors, the 24-hour national strike excludes emergency departments, resuscitation, and intensive care, and will be followed by other forms of protest.

Among the forms called for by the committee is a boycott of supervising the entrance exams for the faculties of medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry, and the exams of the second session of the second semester of the faculties of medicine and pharmacy, in solidarity with the students of the faculties of medicine and pharmacy.

The committee stressed that these announced steps come as an expression of its “rejection of the Ministry of Higher Education’s total disregard for the demands of interns and residents,” and as a denunciation of “the repeated postponement of dialogue sessions with the Ministry of Health, which has backed down from the representation of interns and residents within the administrative councils of the territorial health groups.”

It is worth noting that interns and residents are demanding to be involved in all discussions concerning the implementing texts of Law 08.22 on the creation of territorial health groups, to be involved in the reform of the third cycle of medical studies, and to make the compensation of non-contracted residents 12,000 dirhams, considering that they provide the same services as their contracted counterparts and have the same diploma.

In addition, this category demands that the compensation of internal workers be increased to 10,000 dirhams, considering that they provide important services in hospital services, as well as their essential role in emergency departments, in addition to reforming the evaluation of the specialty exam, by increasing the value of the training and continuing education points coefficient and reducing the value of the end-of-specialization exam and granting the right to a remedial course.

On the other hand, the doctors concerned demand the improvement of training in residency through a pedagogical control book for medical, pharmaceutical and dental specialties, and the maintenance of the current regulatory situation for boarding and residency and the increase in attractiveness, while rejecting the formula for the automatic transfer of contracted residents to territorial health groups, similar to the rest of the employees of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

The National Committee of Resident and Intern Doctors insists on the need for the government to avoid “repressive means, exercise wisdom in managing the files of professionals in the sector, and adopt effective dialogue and a participatory approach, as two basic conditions for the success of change,” according to its statement.

#Ignorance #prompts #interns #residents #announce #strike
2024-07-19 20:44:55



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