ignorance, better to remain silent – ​​

The extraordinary European council, taking place today and tomorrow in Brussels, starts with controversy on abortion between Italy and Spain. The dispute began with a post on social media by Ana Redondo, Spanish Minister for Equality, who, commenting on the Italian government’s intentions to encourage access by pro-life associations to counseling centres, launched a dig: «Allow organized pressure against women who want to terminate a pregnancy means undermining a right recognized by law. It is the strategy of the far right, to threaten to take away rights, to hinder equality between women and men.”

Unjust and outdated law: Soumahoro does everything he can to not be forgotten

A comment which was responded to by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni who, in Brussels for the European Council, replied: «Several times I have listened to foreign ministers who talk about internal Italian issues without knowing the facts. Normally when you are ignorant on a topic you must at least have the good manners not to give lessons.” The Minister for Family, Birth and Equal Opportunities Eugenia Rocella also intervened on the issue and advised her Spanish colleague to form her opinion on the texts and not on the press releases of the Italian left-wing political forces which, according to Rocella, they do not know the content of law 194 given that the amendment to the Pnrr decree does nothing more than reproduce verbatim an article of law 194. Crisp air in Brussels.

Popular in Italy and abroad: Time crowns Meloni.  He is among the most influential of 2024

#ignorance #remain #silent #Tempo
2024-04-21 17:58:11

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