Igniting Growth: ETALENT’s CEO Champions the Power of Self-Awareness in Compelling Talk

2024-09-06 22:06:07

On the afternoon of Friday, August 16, Jorge Matos, CEO of ETALENT, a behavioral management company with 37 years of experience in the market, was present at Rio Innovation Week. Matos gave a talk on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation: What is Your Profile?” at the Startup Program, located at Armazém 5. The 30-minute presentation took place at 4:30 p.m. and attracted an engaged audience of entrepreneurs and innovation enthusiasts.

During his presentation, the CEO addressed the central question of the lecture: Is there a specific profile for entrepreneurship and innovation? Based on decades of experience and research, he explained that, in practice, 12 distinct profiles were identified, each with unique characteristics, both in their strengths and in areas to be developed.

“On one end of the scale, you can find the most direct, objective and assertive people, and on the other end, the most detailed, precise and thorough. However, there is something in common between them all: curiosity, resilience, adaptability and willingness to take calculated risks,” highlighted Jorge Matos. He also highlighted the importance of a strong desire to solve problems and an open mind to learn from failures, which are essential elements for any entrepreneurial profile.

The second question raised during the lecture was: What are the main challenges that entrepreneurs face when taking off their businesses? Matos emphasized that, after overcoming the initial phase, the most significant challenges include understanding one’s own role in the business, building effective teams, identifying people who can enhance one’s skills, and establishing healthy and sustainable relationships. “The basis for this is self-knowledge and personal empowerment. Before the business, comes the entrepreneur himself,” he stated.

At the end of the lecture, the CEO of ETALENT presented the audience with a QR Code that gave access to an interactive analysis of the entrepreneurship and innovation profile, allowing participants a practical and personalized experience.


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7 secrets of⁢ a successful ‍business

Unlocking the Secrets of Entrepreneurial Profiles: Understanding⁣ Innovation and Success

As the world of entrepreneurship continues to evolve,​ one question remains at the forefront⁤ of every innovator’s‍ mind: What⁢ makes a successful ⁤entrepreneur? Recently, Jorge Matos, CEO of ETALENT, ⁤addressed this very question at Rio Innovation Week, shedding light on‍ the diverse profiles that exist within the realm of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Is There a Specific Profile for ‌Entrepreneurship and Innovation?

According to Matos, decades of experience ⁣and research​ have identified 12 distinct profiles, each with⁣ unique characteristics, strengths, and areas for development [[3]]. These⁣ profiles range from the direct, objective, and assertive to ⁤the detailed, precise, and thorough.⁢ Despite their‌ differences, all successful ‍entrepreneurs share certain key‍ traits, including curiosity, resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to take ⁢calculated risks.

The Importance of Self-Knowledge and Problem-Solving

Matos emphasized that a strong desire to solve problems⁤ and an ⁣open mind to learn from failures are ‍essential elements for any entrepreneurial profile. This self-awareness is crucial in overcoming the⁤ initial phase of entrepreneurship ‌and ⁣tackling‍ the subsequent challenges that arise.​ By understanding their own role in the​ business, entrepreneurs can build⁢ effective teams, identify individuals who ‌can enhance their skills, and establish healthy and sustainable relationships [[1]].

Main Challenges Entrepreneurs⁤ Face

So, what ‍are the main challenges that entrepreneurs face when taking off their businesses? ⁢Matos highlighted ​several key obstacles, including:

  1. Understanding one’s own role⁤ in the⁢ business: ⁢Self-knowledge is key to⁤ successful ‍entrepreneurship.
  2. Building effective teams: Surrounding yourself ‌with the right ⁢people can‌ make all‌ the difference.
  3. Identifying people who can enhance one’s skills: Recognizing areas for improvement and seeking out complementary skills is vital.
  4. Establishing healthy ⁤and sustainable⁢ relationships: Strong relationships are the foundation of any successful ‍business.

Discovering Your Entrepreneurial ‍Profile

But⁣ how can entrepreneurs discover their own unique ⁢profile? Fortunately, there are resources available to help. Programs like Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs offer the opportunity to work with‍ experienced entrepreneurs and gain ⁤valuable insights into ‍one’s⁢ own strengths⁤ and ⁣weaknesses [[1]]. Additionally, online platforms like Entrepreneur provide access to articles, ​biographies, and ⁣profiles of successful entrepreneurs, offering⁢ a wealth of knowledge and inspiration [[2]].


entrepreneurship and⁢ innovation are complex and ⁢multifaceted, and there is no one-size-fits-all profile for success. However, by understanding the diverse characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, recognizing the importance of self-knowledge and problem-solving, and ​overcoming‌ the ‍main challenges that arise, innovators can unlock their ⁤full potential and achieve lasting success.


[1], [2], [3]

Keywords: entrepreneurship, innovation,‌ entrepreneurial profiles, self-knowledge, problem-solving, startup ​challenges, entrepreneurship ‍and innovation.

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Unlocking the Secrets of Entrepreneurial Profiles: Understanding Innovation and Success

As the world of entrepreneurship continues to evolve, one question remains at the forefront of every innovator’s mind: What makes a successful entrepreneur? Recently, Jorge Matos, CEO of ETALENT, addressed this very question at Rio Innovation Week, shedding light on the diverse profiles that exist within the realm of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Is There a Specific Profile for Entrepreneurship and Innovation?

According to Matos, decades of experience and research have identified 12 distinct profiles, each with unique characteristics, strengths, and areas for development [[3]]. These profiles range from the direct, objective, and assertive to the detailed, precise, and thorough. Despite their differences, all successful entrepreneurs share certain key traits, including curiosity, resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to take calculated risks.

The Importance of Self-Knowledge and Problem-Solving




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