[IGN Fan Fest] Witchfire Tells Us About The Magic In Her Weapons

This time around, it’s not a trailer brought to us by IGN Fan Fest 2023 for Witchfire. THE Creative Director, via a new gameplay video, introduces us to the particularity of the game’s weapons: magic. Each will have special bonuses that can be improved to be more and more effective.

The example he shows us in particular is that of the revolver. If you hit enemies in certain areas of the body – firstthe head -, on reloading, a few bullets – an equal number of previous critical hits -, will be endowed with greater power, allowing to one-shot his opponents. It’s not necessarily very easy to understand in writing, so watch the video:

This example shows us an ability useful only for the Elite like you, who only do head-shot all day long. It will certainly not be the only weapon to require a good level of skilland it is not to displease us.

Witchfire is expected very soon in early access on theEpic Game Store uniquely.

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