IGF welcomes the creation of the economic and financial intelligence department within the ANR: “financial predation in the DRC will be undermined”

A new department has been created within the National Intelligence Agency (ANR). It is the Department of Economic and Financial Intelligence (DIEF). The announcement was made on Monday, August 12, during the reading, on national television, of a series of presidential orders.

The General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) welcomed this decision by the President of the Republic which, according to it, will now “undermine” the financial predation that the Democratic Republic of Congo has experienced.

“The IGF welcomes the determination of the President of the Republic to strengthen the system for combating financial crime by creating an economic and financial department within the ANR and very soon the financial prosecutor’s office of the DRC. With this approach, the financial predation that the DRC has experienced will now be seriously undermined,” said the IGF through its communications unit.

According to the presidential decree, this department will be responsible for research, investigation, collection, exploitation, interpretation and dissemination of economic, financial, digital and technological information, both nationally and internationally. It will also be responsible for monitoring strategic sectors such as energy, telecommunications, new information technologies and cyberspace, as well as controlling the management of public funds.

Read again: DRC: Creation of an Economic and Financial Intelligence department within the ANR to strengthen national security

The DIEF will play a crucial role in verifying and controlling capital flows, banking and non-banking transactions, mobile payments and virtual currencies, as well as monitoring natural resources and strategic products. The presidential order also provides for the establishment of a central administration for this department, composed of three directorates: the Directorate of Economic Intelligence, the Directorate of Investments, Investigations and the Fight against Fraud, and the Directorate of Economic and Financial Studies and Planning.

As part of this restructuring, several appointments were announced. Mr. Kabuya Mulumba Alex was appointed Principal Administrator, Head of DIEF, while Mr. Kalambay Mpoy Joseph was appointed Deputy General Administrator of ANR. Mr. Mweze Kirembe Louis will now assume the functions of Principal Administrator, Head of the Internal Service Department, and Mr. Nyembo Tumba Augustin, those of Administrator, Head of Service of the External Service Department. Finally, Mr. Mambabwa Philémon was appointed Principal Administrator, Head of the Support Department.


2024-08-14 17:10:06
#IGF #welcomes #creation #economic #financial #intelligence #department #ANR #financial #predation #DRC #undermined



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