“IGF inspectors transformed into consultants at Gécamines” case: three NGOs, Acaj, Odep and Licoco play firefighters!

The news continues to be dominated by what some consider to be the excessive media coverage of an investigation allegedly initiated by the office of the Attorney General at the Court of Auditors, into the circumstances surrounding the consultancy contract entered into between Gécamines -Générale des Carrières et des Mines- and the IGF -Inspection Générale des Finances- during the year 2023.

On this subject, the organisations ACAJ, LICOCO and ODEP, which are following this affair with concern, have, in a letter addressed to the Attorney General at the Court of Auditors, demonstrated how the two institutions, the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Auditors and the IGF – General Inspectorate of Finance – are condemned to collaborate in order to clean up public finances.

“In this way, the two institutions mentioned above, responsible for controlling public finances, would contribute to building bridges of convergence with the aim of effectively ensuring the promotion of collective well-being, dependent on sound and transparent management of public funds,” wrote ACAJ, LICOCO and ODEP.

And to add: “Moreover, our organizations encourage the Inspector General of Finances – Head of Service of the IGF to collaborate and to provide all necessary clarification to the investigation of the Court of Auditors in compliance with the legal provisions.”

It should be noted that these three organizations remain mobilized to monitor the development of this matter.


2024-07-25 06:45:28
#IGF #inspectors #transformed #consultants #Gécamines #case #NGOs #Acaj #Odep #Licoco #play #firefighters



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