IFC and FMIIP team up for the competitiveness of the pharmaceutical sector

On February 15, 2022, IFC and the Moroccan Federation of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Innovation (FMIIP) signed an agreement that will help FMIIP members reduce their carbon and water footprint.

This is what the two partners have just announced in a press release. Mohamed El Bouhmadi, president of the FMIIP, said on this occasion: “Our partnership with IFC will help local drug manufacturers to strengthen their production capacities and improve their environmental practices. It will also contribute to increasing the production of drugs, particularly generic drugs, in Morocco and North Africa”.

For his part, Manuel Reyes-Retana, IFC’s acting regional director for North Africa, underlines that IFC is “strengthening its partnership with the main pharmaceutical players in the region in order to create an enabling environment to increase production. medicines in Africa”. And to continue: “Our support for operators in the pharmaceutical industry in Morocco will contribute to making the sector more productive and more efficient in terms of energy, and it will allow producers to be better positioned to attract investment”.



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