“If Zagitova became an Olympic champion, then she will succeed in being a deputy,” says Tatyana Navka – Figure Skating

Olympic champion Turin-2006 in ice dancing Tatiana Navka believes that the winner of the 2018 Games Alina Zagitova will be able to be a deputy.

“I believe that it is never too late and never too early. If a person has a desire to become a deputy, then why not.

It seems to me that if she became an Olympic champion, then she will succeed in being a deputy, ”said Navka.

Alina Zagitova: “I know what our sport needs, I want to make it stronger and better. For now, as an athlete and TV presenter, and in the future – who knows “

Alina Zagitova: “If I managed to master the profession of a journalist in a short period, then maybe soon I will be able to become a sports functionary”

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