If you want to lose weight fast then eat these foods for breakfast

(PLO)- Breakfast using these foods is not only easy to eat, delicious and healthy, but also helps to feel full for a long time and lose weight.

Here are 6 foods that experts recommend replacing breakfast to achieve the desired weight.

Choose whole grains instead of refined white grains

Choose whole grains instead of refined white grains. Photo: Eatthis.

Eating whole grains has more fiber and less refined carbohydrates.

According to nutritionists, whole grain bread will provide the body with more fiber and tend to be digested more slowly, making meals fuller for longer.

Use unsweetened yogurt and fruit as a topping

If you want to lose weight quickly, eat these foods for breakfast Photo 2

Use unsweetened yogurt and fruit as a topping. Photo: Eatthis.

Eating these can replace tons of sugar and refined carbs at breakfast.

However, you don’t always have to give up your sweet breakfast favorites entirely to reach your weight loss goals. If you’re a waffle lover, try swapping out syrup or something more protein and fiber but less sweet.

According to experts, although the syrup adds sweetness to the waffles, it does not contribute to the feeling of fullness.

Besides, the protein in yogurt and the fiber in fruit both contribute to keeping you full longer following breakfast, which can help you control hunger.

Make pancakes with oatmeal

If you want to lose weight quickly, eat these foods for breakfast photo 3

Make pancakes with oatmeal. Photo: Eatthis.

This dish will help you get more fiber and less refined sugar, you will be full longer.

Pancakes are a popular breakfast food these days, but they’re often made with refined carbohydrates and have added sugar syrup ingredients as toppings.

So switching from refined flour to oats is an easy way to make your breakfast more weight loss friendly.

Muffins for eggs

If you want to lose weight quickly, eat these foods for breakfast Photo 4

Muffins for eggs. Photo: Eatthis.

Eating this cake helps you get more high-quality protein and fiber.

Egg muffins can be a delicious, quick, and easy breakfast to take with you on the go.

This type of cake is mainly made of eggs, vegetables and cheese. More specifically, this cake has the benefit of high-quality protein from eggs, plus fiber from vegetables. This combination can help you feel full longer and eat fewer calories following breakfast.

According to experts, eggs help you replenish nutrients like choline for brain health, lutein and zeaxanthin for eye health.

Try a collagen powder as an alternative to coffee

If you want to lose weight quickly, eat these foods for breakfast Photo 5

Try a collagen powder as an alternative to coffee. Photo: Eatthis.

Eating this dish, you will consume less added sugar and more collagen and protein.

According to experts, most coffee creamers have nothing but added sugars and saturated fats, so skip the cream and add collagen to your morning cup of coffee.

Collagen provides amino acids that help with joint and skin health, and these amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which can help keep you fuller for longer.

There are a few specific types of collagen on the market right now, like Vital Proteins, which provide collagen in flavors like chocolate and matcha.

Use fruit or nuts as an oatmeal topping

If you want to lose weight quickly, eat these foods for breakfast Photo 6

Use fruit or nuts as an oatmeal topping. Photo: Eatthis.

Eating these types for breakfast will have less added sugar, and more fiber and protein.

Oatmeal is a delicious healthy breakfast. But if you like it sweeter, use fruits to replace sugar.

Berries, for example, have fiber, which can help promote satiety and you’ll also get an antioxidant boost.

According to experts, you can layer oatmeal on snacks like apples or nuts. You can even add nuts to your oatmeal for healthy fats and proteins that will keep you feeling full throughout the morning.

Eat these foods every day to stay healthy and live longer

Eat these foods every day to stay healthy and live longer

(PLO)- These are some of the popular foods that parts of the world where many people living over 100 years old eat them every day.


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