If you play ‘games’ all day, your body will change ‘this way’ in 20 years


[인사이트] Reporter Na-young Kim = The shocking changes in the body that people who sit in front of a computer all day and play ‘games’ can experience in the future have been revealed.

Recently, online media bomb01 drew attention by releasing a photo under the title, What Game Addicts Will Look Like After 20 Years.

This photo, published by ‘OnlineCasino.ca’, an overseas data analysis site, clearly shows the changes in the body of a ‘virtual character’ Michael who is addicted to games after playing the game for 20 years.

Shockingly, in the published photo, the hair falls out as if ‘hair loss’ has occurred, and Michael’s face with severe dark circles on pale, lifeless skin is astonishing to those who see it.


It can even be seen that the skull is dented due to wearing headphones for a long time while playing the game.

In addition to his face, Michael’s body was deformed like a turtle neck because his neck and back were bent, and he was unable to stand properly, so he had an awkward posture and lack of exercise, so he gained a lot of weight in his abdomen as well.

In addition, from non-stop use of the mouse and keyboard, my hands were deformed, leaving traces of calluses and ulcers.

Sitting all day causes varicose veins to develop and abnormal symptoms such as swelling of the ankles appear.


In addition, although it is not shown in the photo, various body changes occur, such as dry eye syndrome and increased hair growth in the ears to protect the body from turbid air due to long-term indoor living.

Researchers at ‘OnlineCasino.ca’ explained, “Michael’s appearance clearly shows the changes in the face of game addicts who have been exposed to artificial lighting for years and the result of lack of vitamins D and B-12.”

“If you stretch regularly or sit in an uncomfortable position without any reaction, you will actually look like Michael 20 years from now,” he warned.

Meanwhile, the WHO already classified gaming addiction as a mental illness in 2018.


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