If you don’t brush your teeth, you may be more likely to get this deadly condition! – homeland

According to what was translated by “Watan”, quoting the Spanish magazine “Moy Entresiente”, the habit of brushing teeth starts from childhood. It is one of the most important daily routines to maintain our health.

Daily dental care

Proper dental hygiene includes daily dental care by cleaning them with toothpaste and brushing, as well as flossing.

But “daily” does not strictly mean once a day. In fact the usual recommendation is to brush your teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and at night, although it is best to do this following every meal.

And what we should all know is that dental health is not just a matter of oral health. But it also helps us eliminate bacteria from our mouths, which can threaten other parts of our bodies.

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A sick mouth causes other diseases

In other words, a sick mouth can cause other diseases to appear in your body that can be fatal.

Today, there is a lot of research on the relationship between oral health and the cardiovascular system.

It has been said on more than one occasion that people with a problem with oral health. They have higher rates of cardiovascular (heart and brain) problems than people who take care of their mouths.

Why is there a link between oral health and heart health?

Of all the theories out there, the most relevant study at the moment is oral health. They are those that confirm that the bacteria in the mouth can not only infect the gums, but also travel into the bloodstream through the small blood vessels that pass through the mouth.

If the mouth is injured by a cut or the gums become infected, this infection passes into the bloodstream. The infection can also spread to other parts of the body. It can cause inflammation and infection, including in the heart.

Therefore, it will be enough to brush your teeth whenever you want, as long as there are no injuries. There will be nothing to worry regarding. But things can get a little more complicated.

Information that will scare you!

Surely you have noticed that under the tongue there are a lot of tiny capillaries that can be seen with the naked eye. What if I told you that these capillaries have a direct connection to the superior vena cava? And what if I told you that this vein is the most important in our body and that it is the one that has direct access to the heart? It’s getting more and more scary now.

We have already mentioned that poor oral hygiene can cause bacteria to pass from the mouth into the bloodstream in one way or another. If this happens, an infection can spread that can affect any part of the body.

controversy between studies

Although it is true that there are many studies that conclude that good oral hygiene, in addition to frequent visits to the dentist. It reduces the risk of some cardiovascular diseases, but some studies do not agree with it.

In 2018, a study was published that analyzed data from at least 1 million people, looking at the relationship between oral health and cardiovascular disease.

The researchers also wondered whether the rest of the studies so far had properly focused on oral health or if they had left something unstudied.

Other factors

It is clear that previous studies did not take into account other confounding factors that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in the people studied. Like smoking, so the relationship found so far cannot be causal.

Thus, although poor oral hygiene has hitherto been considered a cardiovascular risk factor. However, there is not enough data to establish a causal link, since there are many other risk factors to consider. Which can create confusion in many studies.


Periodontitis is a serious gum disease caused by infection. It is one of the main causes of (final) tooth loss. It is characterized by the presence of pain, inflammation and bleeding in the gums, as well as bad breath and the deterioration of the condition of the teeth.

It is reported that the initial stage of the disease is called gingivitis, and it appears only with redness and swelling of the gums and the appearance of bleeding. But without pain and without loose teeth.

This is generally due to the build-up of dental plaque, which is an adhesive layer deposited on the teeth that is full of bacteria, saliva, food debris, etc.

If this plaque is not removed through oral hygiene, it can harden and turn into tartar, which cannot be removed in the traditional way. But you have to go to the dentist.

Consequences of neglecting gum disease

Although a direct relationship between cardiovascular problems and poor oral health per se has not been proven. It has been associated with periodontitis.

Research has concluded that neglecting gum disease can be very dangerous and increase the risk of heart attack.

As mentioned above, it is possible that there is no direct relationship between periodontitis and cardiovascular disease. Because in addition, tobacco is a common risk factor in both cases. However, there are many mixed factors that may influence the various research studies.

The magazine concluded by saying, we should not forget – whether there is a direct link between the risk of cardiovascular disease and oral hygiene – it is just a coincidence.

Because having a healthy mouth increases your chances of keeping your teeth longer, which is more than enough reason to make brushing your teeth a routine priority.

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