If you are bitten by a mosquito, easy remedies such as vinegar and onion juice

Mosquito bites cause an allergic reaction to a substance called hirudin. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

What causes itching and swelling when bitten by a mosquito? Mosquitoes inject a substance called ‘harudin’ into the body. to prevent blood clotting. When hirudin enters our body, an allergic reaction occurs. Histamine is released and you feel itchy.

When bitten by a mosquito, it is better to apply a special paste. Although the water paste gives a refreshing feeling for a while, it does not contain antihistamines, so it is less effective than the exclusive products. Sensitive individuals may experience severe urticarial reactions.

Cream-type products that are less irritating to children, and patch products are useful for those who keep scratching their bites unknowingly. If you are in a hurry, you can search the kitchen to control the itch. The simplest way is to wrap ice in a towel and place it on the bitten area. Also, ‘Healthline’ has compiled a list of folk remedies that are as good as pars.

◆ Vinegar = Mosquitoes hate the smell of vinegar. In other words, spraying vinegar mixed with water on clothes can prevent mosquitoes. Vinegar is useful even when attacked by mosquitoes. Putting a drop of vinegar on the bite site will not only disinfect but also relieve the itching and stinging sensation.

◆ Baking soda = an ingredient used to bake bread. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it can also help with mosquito bites. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with water to make a paste. Apply to the bite site. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off. However, if you have side effects such as swelling or redness of the skin following pasting the baking soda paste, you should not use this method once more.

◆ Honey = When the throat is swollen, when the skin is dry, honey is used in folk remedies. This is because honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Honey is also good for mosquito bites. Dropping a drop on the site of the bite can reduce inflammation as well as reduce scratching due to the sticky feeling.

◆ Basil = Rich in antioxidants, it reduces inflammation and prevents infection. Finely chop fresh basil leaves and rub the bite area. You can also boil tea at the ratio of 15 g of dried basil leaves in 2 cups of water, cool it, and then wet it with a towel and rub it. In addition to basil, herbs such as lemon balm, thyme, and peppermint can be used in a similar way.

◆ Onion = Squeeze the onion to make juice. Apply a little to the mosquito bite. The itching and stinging sensation subsides. Onions have the property of killing fungi and fungi. In other words, the risk of infection can be reduced. Slice the onion thinly and attach it to the mosquito bite. But the time is short. The area where the onion was applied and removed should be washed well with water.

Reporter Lee Yong-jae youngchaeyi@kormedi.com

ⓒ ‘Honest knowledge for health’ Comedy.com (https://kormedi.com) / Unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited



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