If you are a fan of strawberries, then this video is for you!

The doctor advised the followers to leave it in the water for a few minutes before filtering it well

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There is no doubt that strawberries are one of the most important summer fruits that people rush to buy in the hot season, due to their wonderful taste, but has anyone thought that the red fruit contains germs that may change the view of even its lovers?

Doctor Rabih Fadlallah explained, in a video clip he posted on his Instagram account, the bacteria that the beautiful fruit carries.

The doctor used a microscope to highlight the tiny insects that hide inside each grain, stressing that these insects cannot be seen with the naked eye.

He also advised the followers to leave it in the water for a few minutes before filtering it well.

It is noteworthy that strawberries have many benefits, as 5 large berries contain nearly 100% of your daily needs of vitamin C, which in turn is necessary for the production of collagen, which helps keep the skin soft and supple, in addition to polyphenols (antioxidants). Which helps the skin look brighter and younger and helps calm acne.

They are also a good source of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure by counteracting the negative effects of sodium.

Strawberries also contain a type of flavonoid called anthocyanin, which helps lower blood pressure.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also found that if you might only eat a cup of strawberries every week, you would avoid the risk of high blood pressure.

It is noteworthy that the published video has received hundreds of participants, amid surprised comments regarding the deadly toxins that the beautiful strawberry carries between its folds if it is not washed well.

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