If SYRIZA is liquidated, we will have to make a party more business-friendly

If SYRIZA is liquidated, we will have to make a party more business-friendly

Asked about the possibility of creating a new party, if the developments do not allow him to be a candidate for president or if he ends up losing, Mr. Kasselakis said that “we have a party and we went to renew it. All this is happening because we tried to pass constitutional changes that would bring democratic changes to the party.”

“I also raise the issue of the autonomy of the party, not to liquidate it. If I lose at the polls, I remain in the party, I will not do what other comrades who accused me did after my election,” he added.

“I have come to stay in any possible development,” said Stefanos Kasselakis. Stefanos Kasselakis continued by stating that “I will not prosecute the day after my rehabilitation, we will proceed with statutory changes and the base will decide. If the local community decides that they want someone who has spoken very badly about me as a candidate for parliament, that will happen, that’s democracy.”

“We are foreign ambitions within the party, not a foreign body with each other”, said Stefanos Kasselakis, constantly pointing his fire at the other sides that exist within SYRIZA, declaring that he is also strongly opposed to the possibility of SYRIZA’s cooperation with other parties , stating “we didn’t all rally to the Center Left last year to rally now to former ministers of other governments who bankrupted the country”.

As he pointed out, “I will be against any merger of parties outside the Center Left. I also said this to Alexis Tsipras since we spoke last year. We also spoke recently, at the event held by his Institute”.

To the criticisms and reports that some “brought him and made him break up SYRIZA”, Stefanos Kasselakis replied that “nobody brought me, I was a candidate on the party’s national ballot in ninth place. I became president by expanding the base of the party.”

As to whether he can lead a new party, Mr. Kasselakis replied “I came to stay in any possible development. I am not going to belittle SYRIZA. If SYRIZA is liquidated, we will have to make a party more business-friendly. Where they thought SYRIZA was dead, we have resurrected it, we have put in a political discourse, we have worked on many proposals for a year. Today I will present 5 pillars with 18 key positions, so that those who exclude me know that there is a program made by experts and is as thorough as any other candidate. We have to produce policy proposals, but also do politics every day, go out into the world.”

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#SYRIZA #liquidated #party #businessfriendly

Load Adsense after page ‍load

It looks like you’re working with a JavaScript snippet that handles‍ the loading of various ad scripts and functionalities on a webpage. The code⁣ outlines different components such as Google AdSense, OneSignal, Disqus, and others,⁤ along with​ handling delays and conditions‍ for loading these scripts.

Here’s a brief explanation and‌ organization of the sections:

1. **Google AdSense for Mobile**:

​ – Removes ads in certain conditions.

​ – Checks for AdSense slots and prepares to load additional modules.

2. **Adman**:

– Pushes ad ⁤unit initialization for Phaistos Adman.

3. **OneSignal**:

– Sets up OneSignal for push notifications with ⁤a specific app ID.

4. ‌**Disqus**:

– Sets ⁤up Disqus ‍configuration for comments, defining a specific URL and‍ identifier.

– Loads ⁤the⁢ Disqus script after a timeout for effective asynchronous loading.

5. **CleverCore (Commented Out)**:

– Contains a template‍ for loading a CleverCore script asynchronously.

6. **Taboola/Project Agora**:

– There are placeholders for loading additional modules related to Taboola or Project Agora, but specific ​URLs or logic are not ⁣provided in the visible part.

7.‌ **Other Ad Scripts**:

⁤ – Conditions for loading scripts based on the existence of‌ specific elements ⁣like `glomex-integration`.

– Additional delays for loading scripts for ⁤Dalecta and Vidoomy.

For clarity and better organization, you might want to structure this code into well-defined functions ‍and ensure that all URLs and⁤ parameters are correctly set⁤ before execution. You should also handle ‍potential errors while loading ⁣external scripts and provide fallback mechanisms if needed.

Here’s ​a simplified outline of how you can refactor the loaded sections:


function loadAds() ‍{

// Remove mobile AdSense

if (someCondition) {

⁢ document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(e => {


⁤ });

⁣ }

const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

⁣ if (adSenseSlots.length > 0) {

‍ ⁣ asyncLoadScript(‘your-adsense-script-url’);

⁣ }


function initOneSignal() {

window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];

‍ OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal)⁣ {

‌ OneSignal.init({

⁤ ‍ ‍ ⁤ appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

‌ });



function ‍initDisqus() {

var disqus_config = function() {

⁢ this.page.url =⁢ “http://example.com”; // Set desired URL

this.page.identifier ​= 1556262;


setTimeout(() => ​{

‌ const d = document, s = d.createElement(‘script’);

s.src ⁤= ‘https://your-disqus-url.js’;

⁤ s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());

‌ ​ (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);

},⁢ 3000);


// Other scripts loading functions ‍omitted for⁣ brevity

document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, () => {


‍ initOneSignal();




This structure emphasizes clarity and allows for ‌easier maintenance in the future.⁣ Each function handles a specific part ⁤of the script, making it easier to read and ⁤debug.

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