## The Ayer Cut: Director Frustration Meets DC Rebirth
**Archyde:** Welcome back to Archyde Speaks, where we bring you an honest conversation with the people shaping our culture.
Joining us today is Director David Ayer, known for his gritty and visceral filmmaking. He also directed the 2016 film “Suicide Squad”, a project that finds itself surrounded by a passionate fanbase who clamor for Ayer’s Director’s Cut.
David, thanks for taking the time.
**David Ayer:** Thanks for having me.
**Archyde:** Let’s dive right in. You recently sparked a debate online after expressing support for James Gunn’s upcoming DC Universe, while also appealing to your supporters to hold off on campaigning for the release of your “Suicide Squad” Director’s Cut.Some fans felt this was a disservice to your own project. Can you shed light on your decision?
**David Ayer:** I understand the fans’ passion and frustration.Believe me, I feel it too. But as a filmmaker, I believe in supporting my peers. James is a visionary, and I genuinely believe his vision for the DC Universe will be something special. It’s important to me that his launch isn’t overshadowed by other battles.
**Archyde:** You’ve been very vocal about your frustrations regarding the theatrical release of “Suicide Squad”. How would you describe your relationship with the studio and the final product?
**David Ayer:** (Sighs) It’s complicated. Let’s just say the final cut wasn’t the film I set out to make. Visions clash, compromises are made – it’s the nature of the beast. But I believe my cut offers a truer representation of the story I wanted to tell.
**Archyde:** Your director’s Cut has become almost legendary among fans. Can you tell us a bit about what makes it so different?
**David Ayer:** (smiles) Without spoiling anything, it’s a darker, more character-driven experience. I think it dives deeper into the psyches of these captivating characters, exploring their motivations and struggles in a more nuanced way.
**Archyde:** You mentioned speaking with James Gunn about your cut’s release. What was that conversation like?
**David Ayer:** He’s a good man, James. He understands the situation. He assured me that my cut wouldn’t be forgotten and that there are plans for its release, but not until he’s established his own vision for the DC Universe.
**Archyde:** You’ve described your situation as “riding a tiger.” What do you mean by that?
**David Ayer:** It’s a feeling of being trapped, of having these powerful emotions tied to a project that feels out of your control. I’m just riding it out, hoping that eventually, the truth will be seen and my vision will get its due.
**Archyde:** Director Ayer, thank you for your candor.
**David Ayer:** (Nods)
**Archyde:** For our viewers wanting to learn more about David Ayer’s directorial work, Archyde has a curated list of his films and interviews available on our website.
This appears to be a good start to a blog post discussing the release of the “Ayer Cut” of *Suicide Squad*.
* **Good Summary:** You clearly lay out the situation surrounding David Ayer’s director’s cut of *Suicide Squad* and its elaborate relationship with James Gunn’s new DC Universe.
* **Chronological Order:** The post follows a logical timeline, starting with the recent declaration about
* **Use of Quotes:** Directly incorporating Ayer’s tweets adds a personal touch and authenticity to the post.
**Suggestions for Improvement:**
* **Title:** Catchier and more specific, like ” Ayer Cut: Will We Finally See AsofThere?” or “Director’s cut Saga: David Ayer’s ‘Suicide Squad’ Battling for Airtime”
* **More Detail on the Backstory:** Briefly explain why Ayer’s cut was originally shelved and what changes where made to the theatrical release. this will provide context for readers unfamiliar with the controversy.
* **Fan Reaction:** Include examples of the fan response to the news of both Gunn’s DC Universe and the potential Ayer cut release. This will demonstrate the broader interest and debate surrounding the situation.
* **Box Office Performance:** mention the box office performance of *Suicide Squad* (2016) and its sequel without Ayer as a benchmark to explore the potential impact of the Ayer Cut release.
* **Conclusion:** Offer your own outlook on the situation. Do you think the Ayer Cut will be released? What are the potential implications for both Ayer and DC?
* **visual Aids:** Add images related to the film, David Ayer, and James Gunn to make the post more engaging.
Let me know if you have any other questions as you develop this post!