If Kasselakis is re-elected, SYRIZA is over 2024-09-29 16:44:09

Olga Gerovasili speaking on the main news bulletin of Open and Eva Antonopoulou stressed: “If Stefanos Kasselakis is elected again, SYRIZA is finished for good.” He also accused the ousted president of SYRIZA of “continuing to politicize by discovering internal enemies, with the aim of making himself a victim”.

Regarding the candidacy of Sokratis Famellos, which was announced today, Olga Gerovasili said that she hopes that the party will return to the political debate, while she added that the candidacy of Pavlos Polakis is also based on political positions.

As for Alexis Tsipras, the SYRIZA MP stated that “of course he would like to return”.

Here is the video of the interview:

SYRIZA: Pavlos Polakis is officially a candidate for the leadership again – He submitted signatures and where did you come from

After Sokratis Famellos, Pavlos Polakis officially entered the race for the leadership of SYRIZA. He went to Koumundourou and in a meeting he had with Rania Svigou he submitted the 30 signatures that are required for his candidacy and where he is from.

“I want to call on all my fellow candidates to do the same. Let’s move on to a fight of confrontation of positions and programs”, he emphasized in his statements after submitting his candidacy.

“Because”, as he said, “the country needs a strong axiomatic opposition to put forward a workable radical socially necessary and popularly understood program of government”.

“As an alternative to the government of Mitsotakis, who is closing his circle. After the years of neoliberal cruelty and all the measures and the sell-off of public property, the privatization of Health and Education and the privatization of supplementary insurance,” he noted.

“I think that the social alliance that brought him to government has already broken up and people are looking for visible, alternative, progressive governance. And we must give our best to this”, he concluded.

SYRIZA: Sokratis Famellos announced his candidacy for the presidency

“Present” in the battle for the presidency of SYRIZA, declared the former president of the party’s parliamentary group, Sokratis Famellos, through a video, in which he announced the reasons why he made the decision to request the vote of the members and friends of SYRIZA on the 24 November.

In the video of his announcement he emphasizes that he takes responsibility to lead this collective effort and guarantee “first of all unity, as I have demonstrated by stopping introversion and toxicity.” Mr. Famellos mentions that in this effort “valuable comrades and comrades all over Greece stand by him”, “because we have to go from “I” to “we”. He adds that he understands “those we disappointed” and invites them to return, “to rebuild our house. A new SYRIZA. A real Progressive Alliance”. “In the relaunch of SYRIZA, we invite all creative and active citizens. And especially young people”, he notes, among other things.

Mr. Famellos speaks of the necessity of a “serious, modern, reliable and dynamic” SYRIZA-PS, a SYRIZA “of the values, ethics and struggles of the progressive faction”, “with reference to the legacy of the government of the Left, of Alexis Tsipras, who kept society and Greece upright… “.

The announcement of the candidacy of Mr. Famellos for the presidency of SYRIZA-PS follows in detail:

“Friends and friends,

Greek society needs a SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, serious, modern, reliable and dynamic.

A European and Ecological Left, a force for change.

A SYRIZA of the values, ethos and struggles of the progressive faction.

With a reference point the legacy of the government of the Left, Alexis Tsipras, which kept society and Greece standing. Outside the memorandums, with international prestige, with positive growth rates.

With a sense of responsibility towards the history of the Left, I am running for president of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance.

I take responsibility to lead this collective effort and guarantee unity first and foremost, as I have demonstrated by stopping introversion and toxicity.

Valuable comrades all over Greece stand beside me in this effort.

Because we have to go from “I” to “we”.

I understand those we disappointed and I invite you to come back, to rebuild our house. A new SYRIZA. A true Progressive Alliance.

We invite all creative and active citizens to the relaunch of SYRIZA. And especially young people.

For dynamic opposition against a government that hurts the citizens, disappointing even its voters.

But mainly for a progressive government exit, with prosperity, with SYRIZA as its main pillar.

Because citizens demand solutions to a very difficult everyday life.

We want a strong and resilient Greece in the face of tomorrow’s challenges and uncertainties.

With real concern for the environment, rule of law and social state, without exclusions.

In this effort I ask you all to participate.

To make our party proud again.

But also because the next day of SYRIZA concerns the whole society.

So let’s all go together.”

In a short time, Pavlos Polakis is expected to pass through the door of Koumoundourou, officially submitting his candidacy. Mr. Polakis will also make available to the party the necessary accompanying documents for his candidacy, such as the “No Matters” statement and the nomination proposal from 30 members of the Central Committee.


In SYRIZA, they are trying to convince that they operate normally and smoothly with the K.O. to designate parliamentary representatives and heads of departments.

Parliamentary representatives were appointed Giorgos Gavrilos (Economic, Social Affairs), Nina Kasimati (National Defense – Foreign, Educational Affairs) and Yiannis Sarakiotis (Public Administration, Public Order and Justice) and deputy parliamentary representatives Vassilis Kokkalis and Christos Giannoulis.

Rena Dourou was appointed Head of Foreign Affairs, with Nina Kasimati as Deputy Head. Evangelos Apostolakis was appointed Head of National Defense, Iota Poulos of Internal Affairs (s.s.: EPEKE coordinator was also appointed, with Rallia Christidou as deputy coordinator), with Theofilos Xanthopoulos and Petros Pappas as deputies, Pavlos Polakis of Transparency, Finance and Development the Haris Mamoulakis, with deputy Marina Kontotoli, Health Andreas Panagiotopoulos, with deputy Petros Pappas, Education Dionysis Kalamatianos, with deputies Rania Thraskia and Alexandros Meikopoulos, Culture Kyriaki Malama, Citizen Protection Costas Barkas, Transport and Infrastructure Giorgos Karameros, Justice Alexandros Avlonitis, with Elena Akrita as deputy.

The procedures on the way to the congress and the election of the leader were discussed in the SYRIZA PG

The procedures on the way to the congress and the election of the leader were discussed at today’s meeting of the Political Secretariat of SYRIZA.

According to the party’s official sources, the secretary of the party was informed “about the filing of the candidacy of Pavlos Polakis and the announcement of the candidacy of Sokratis Famellos”. It was agreed that the party secretariat would facilitate the leadership candidates in the election campaign. The candidates themselves will be responsible, with the representatives they will appoint, the party will help them in their communication with the media.

At the meeting, the president of the parliamentary group, Nikos Pappa, was informed about the initiatives in the parliamentary field. It was agreed that parliamentary and opposition work should not be affected by the presidential election process. Mr. Pappas informed about the proposal submitted by K.O. of the party for bad loans and attempts to extract the support of other parties.

The axes of the political decision and the procedures by which the pre-conference dialogue and the conference will evolve were also discussed. Also, the three-member committee appointed to the Central Committee will propose the members who will staff the Central Organizing Committee of the Conference and the Positions Committee.

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#Kasselakis #reelected #SYRIZA



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