“If I am elected I will go to the European Parliament” –

«I have decided to run in the European elections on 8 and 9 June and, unlike what others do, if I am elected I will go to the European Parliament, to Strasbourg and Brussels. Europe is experiencing an incredible season of difficulty, we need to restart Europe’s hope. Today in the geopolitical scenario, from the United States to China, from the Middle East to Ukraine, Europe seems weak, fragile, afraid. We need a generation of politicians who have the courage to continue taking Europe into the future. To do this, enough with bureaucrats like Ursula von der Leyen, let’s choose politics.” The leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi, says this in a video on social media, announcing his candidacy on the United States of Europe list.

How much Salis and Vannacci weigh, Ghisleri speaks: the figure that freezes the left

«But how can Italy make itself heard in Europe if the leaders of the main Italian parties decide to run for the European elections as a fake? Giorgia Meloni, Elly Schlein, Antonio Tajani, Carlo Calenda are candidates and immediately say ‘no, no, if elected we will not go to Strasbourg and Brussels’. How do we define this way of doing things? It is a scam on citizens. We on the United States of Europe list with Emma Bonino have decided that whoever runs, if elected, will represent Italy in the European Parliament. And the others? The others don’t, this is one of the big differences between us and them” adds Renzi. «I will be a candidate in the last place in four constituencies, anyone who wants my surname will not find it on the symbol but if they want they can write it. Matteo Renzi, Renzi. I’m very happy with my political experience, if I get back into the game at almost 50 it’s because I really believe in it »he concludes.

#elected #European #Parliament #Tempo
2024-05-01 01:34:23



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