“Ideological Madness” –

Reactions to the “workshop for trans and gender creative children”, conducted by researchers and a Montessori teacher scheduled for September 28 at the University of Roma Tre and designed “to listen to and collect the stories” of very young people between the ages of 5 and 14, are making waves. The project, whose poster is making the rounds on the web, has sparked a real controversy. Pro Vita & Famiglia has then launched a national petition to ask the Rector of Roma Tre Massimiliano Fiorucci, who is also National President of the Italian Society of Pedagogy, “to immediately cancel this ideological initiative that involves minors outside of any shared scientific context”. According to an article in Ansa, the Minister of Universities and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, has instructed the ministry’s offices to contact the University of Roma Tre in order to quickly acquire the necessary information. Strong words were also used by the Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies Fabio Rampelli of the Brothers of Italy.

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“Involving five-year-old children is unacceptable. The workshop ‘Trans and gender creative children’, organized by the Department of Education Science at Roma Tre University, is a devastating blow to the freedom of minors to grow up without conditioning or induced coercion, as well as to mothers and fathers deprived of their right and duty to educate and train their children at such a delicate age. The workshop, which is aimed at the 5-14 age group, even involves pre-school children. Before they even learn to read, write and speak fluently, they are being taught that male and female are interchangeable words. This is ideological madness, and it is also financed with public money from the PNRR. Our condemnation is total and absolute”, she declared in a statement.

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Rampelli then specified that he had filed a question with the Minister of University and Research Anna Maria Bernini. “Let’s free schools and universities from the dangers represented by a handful of fanatics with burned-out neurons of gender ideology. Degeneration that is trying to insinuate itself into the educational path of a creature thanks to the left: children and teenagers are no longer schoolchildren and students but guinea pigs on which to experiment with abstractions that in the long run will create serious psychological problems. The fact that this disgrace is financed with citizens’ money is intolerable. We reiterate that every adult is free to make their own choices and must be recognized with the same rights, gay, straight or otherwise, but hands off our children. With a question to the Minister of University and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, it is my intention to clarify whether the University of Rome Tre is aware of what is happening and ask to stop this liberticidal course”, he added.

#Ideological #Madness #Tempo
2024-09-25 00:14:26



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