Identity Theft and Land Fraud: The Shocking Story of a Man’s Stolen Life

2023-07-23 11:57:51

The man went back to his hometown from a part-time job and found that his identity had been replaced. (Picture / flip from Weibo)

Mr. Gong from Ezhou City, Hubei Province in mainland China recently encountered a strange thing. He had been working outside for a long time, and when he returned home, he found that his wife and children had become the wives and children of his neighbors. Not only that, but the wife also gave birth to “a child” with someone else on paper. At the same time, others borrowed the accounts of his wife and children to claim an extra 120 square meters of demolition area.

In February of this year, Mr. Gong, who has been working outside for a long time, returned to his hometown, Jizhou Village, Hongdong New District, Ezhou City. He received an unbelievable piece of news from a village cadre, “He told me that my wife and children’s household registrations have been used in other people’s accounts, and they took 120 square meters to build a house.” Mr. Gong immediately questioned the village cadre, but the other party said with certainty that the demolition and construction of the house had already been confiscated, and the village has all records.

Afterwards, Mr. Gong hurried to the Land Acquisition and Demolition Office of the Management Committee of Wutong Lake New District, Ezhou City to check the detailed information. After investigation, he found that in the demolition and relocation documents, his wife and children had become the wife and children of Gong, a neighbor in the same village. At the same time, the wife also applied for a “second-child birth certificate” with this Gong. Mr. Gong explained, “This is my wife, and her ID number is too, but the photo is not my own.”

Mr. Gong said that the neighbor Gong was single and never married. A few years ago, he had done business with Gong’s younger brother, and provided a copy of his household registration book to Gong’s younger brother. After Mr. Gong complained, the village committee investigated and mediated the matter. It was determined that a neighbor, Mr. Gong, took Mr. Gong’s household registration information, put together a set of family and marriage information, and applied for demolition and reconstruction in the name of dilapidated house renovation.

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Media investigations found that the so-called marriage certificate and the birth certificate of the second child were forged by Gong’s younger brother. The temporary agency that evaluated and reviewed the materials at that time was also disbanded after the completion of the demolition and resettlement. It is impossible to verify how the fake materials passed the review. At present, the local police have intervened. Due to the crime of fraud and forgery of official documents, the police have contacted Gong several times to no avail, and are planning to list him as a fugitive online.

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