Ideas on how to spend a break with children

Ideas on how to spend a break with children

School holidays are a good time to take time out with the whole family and do something fun. Now is a good time to think about what to do during the next school holidays. We have put together various ideas for you on how to decorate your break.

Ideas on how to spend a break with children

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You don’t have to travel abroad for the school holidays

Although family trips are popular during school holidays, you don’t necessarily have to go there, because Estonia also has a lot of exciting things to do. Play together children favorite gamestake a great hike or spend an exciting time at home. Get inspired here!

School holiday activities in the room

If a short school break has arrived, it can be very well decorated while at home. Activities must be chosen based on the children’s age and interests, but the time of year must also be taken into account.

  • Different games are very good for indoor activities. You can play Alias ​​and other strategy games together with older children, while younger children can learn the alphabet or numbers through the game. Also, play various imaginative games: for example, if one of the child’s favorite characters is Yoda from Star Warsthen it is possible to stage Star Wars adventure scenes and use Yoda toys for this. Smaller children can build a hut out of blankets and do crafts or read books inside it. That’s a good thing to do during Christmas breakin order to take time out after immersing in the snow and enjoy a cup of sweet cocoa alongside peaceful activities.
  • Cook together! Cooking is a good activity that can be done with children of all ages, even the smallest ones. It is important to simply choose activities that are age-appropriate for the children. The smallest children, who are around 1 to 2 years old, can do well with the use of kitchen utensils designed for children, which can be used to chop lighter fruits such as bananas or mix different ingredients together. Older children can also help with other activities; by kneading, baking and decorating the dough.

Find the necessary equipment and various games for indoor activities in Kaup24 and Hansapost e-stores. You can conveniently order children’s favorite characters from us, for example YodaPaw Patrol or other character themed toys as well as everything you need for crafting.

School holiday activities outside

If the weather permits, it is worth going outside. You can do many sports activities outdoors as well hike in nature. Put on your roller skates and go rollerblading. If you enjoy cycling, go explore the streets close to home. You can discover different plants together in your own garden or park and get to know them.

In addition to various active activities, you can also do peaceful and relaxing outdoors developmental activities that is, almost everything that would otherwise be done in the room. Build a great hut under the apple tree together, where you can read fairy tales or play the children’s favorite games instead. In the evening, when the sky is clear, open the hut, lie on the blankets and look up at the starry sky to learn about the different constellations.

You can do a lot of great activities during the school holidays – approach it creatively and include the children in making plans. Have fun!

2024-08-28 09:08:33
#Ideas #spend #break #children



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