Ideal amount of exercise per week to prolong life

In a study, scientists have determined the ideal amount of exercise per week to reduce the risk of death. According to the results, however, the global recommendation of 150 minutes is not enough.

In 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) emphasized that one hour of exercise per week is not enough and recommended 150 to 300 minutes of exercise per week for 18-64 year olds.1 Since then, the 150 minutes have been the reference for long-term health. However, these 2.5 hours are a minimum. US researchers have now discovered that more exercise also has greater positive effects. You’ve determined the ideal amount of exercise per week that will maximize your lifespan.2 The results depended on the total number of minutes and the intensity of the exercises.

150 minutes is minimum

It’s no secret that exercise can lead to longer, healthier lives and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death. In the US, the current American Heart Association recommendations for weekly physical activity are at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise, or a combination of both. US researchers have now examined medical records from more than 100,000 people over a period of 30 years on the ideal amount of exercise per week.

Sports data from 100,000 adults

For their study, the scientists collected death and medical records from 116,221 adults from two large prospective studies: the Nurses’ Health Study (women only) and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (men only) from the years 1988 to 2018 Participants completed a questionnaire every two years in which they reported on their physical activity. Moderate activity was assigned to walking, low-intensity exercise, weight lifting, and calisthenics. Strenuous activities included jogging, running, swimming, cycling, and other endurance exercises. The researchers found 47,596 deaths and concluded from the data that the ideal amount of exercise is between 150 and 600 minutes per week.

150 to 600 minutes is the ideal amount of exercise

In fact, people who stuck to the recommended 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise had a 19 to 21 percent lower risk of death. However, the analysis also showed that the risk of death can be reduced even further with more exercise.

Those who exercised 2 to 4 times the recommended amount of vigorous physical activity (150 to 300 minutes) reduced the risk of death by 21 to 23 percent, and those who exercised 2 to 4 times the recommended moderate amount of physical activity (300 to 600 minutes). minutes) by 26 to 31 percent. Anyone who was physically active for more than 600 minutes might not achieve any additional benefit in terms of longer life.

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Can you train “too much”?

So if you were looking for the ideal amount of sport per week, you now have a clue. It pays to exercise beyond the WHO recommendation of 150 minutes per week. A combination of 150 to 300 minutes of vigorous physical activity, 300 to 600 minutes of moderate exercise, or an equivalent combination of both reduces the risk of death the most. Values ​​that are of course not suitable for beginners. However, they can provide direction and provide motivation for those who would like to lead a more active life.

The data also showed that adults exercising more than four times the recommended minimum risked no adverse effects on mortality or cardiovascular health. This contradicts previous studies that long-term, high-intensity exercise might have negative consequences for heart health.


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