Idaho Court Ruling: US Abortion Ban: Democrats Win Partial Victory

Court decision in Idaho
US abortion ban: Democrats win partial

The US government has achieved a partial victory in the legal battle over the state of Idaho’s strict abortion ban. A US federal judge blocked part of the law. Judge B. Lynn Winmill ruled that the state should not prosecute doctors who perform abortions in the interests of the health of the pregnant woman.

The conservative state was one of the first to adopt a far-reaching abortion ban after the US Supreme Court overturned the country’s fundamental right to abortions on June 24. Abortions should remain legal in Idaho only when the lives of pregnant women are in danger. The protection of women’s health, on the other hand, should not be sufficient as a justification.

The government of President Joe Biden had sued the state because of this – the first such step since the end of the basic right to abortion. The process of admissibility of the entire Idaho law is ongoing. The injunction that has now been made will remain in force until the trial to challenge the abortion law has been decided, the judge said.

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