iCloud for Windows bug occurred.. Exposure of other people’s photos and videos

Foreign media such as MacRumors reported on the 21st (local time) that Apple’s iCloud service for Windows is reporting problems with other people’s images or videos being exposed.

According to reports, some users of the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro models are reporting that following recording with an iPhone, the video synced with iCloud for Windows turns black with scan lines and the video cannot be viewed.

Even worse, when users try to view a corrupted video, it is reported that the library shows other people’s photos and videos instead of their own. “I’ve never seen pictures like this in my life,” one user wrote. “Obviously, this is very concerning and I don’t feel safe using iCloud.”

The problem seems to be that both Windows 11 and Windows 10 operating systems receive video, and deleting the iCloud app for Windows does not seem to fix the problem. It might be a server-side problem, or it might only affect some devices with HDR and HEVC enabled.

As privacy-conscious Apple, it’s likely that they’re aware of this issue, and it’s expected to be fixed soon.



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