Zoom / Artistic representation of a cosmic neutrino source shining over the IceCube Observatory in Antarctica. Under the ice are optical detectors that pick up neutrino signals.
IceCube / NSF
Since the French physicist Pierre Auger proposed in 1939 which – which cosmic rays They must carry huge amounts of energy, and scientists have puzzled over what might produce these powerful clusters of protons and neutrons that rain down on Earth’s atmosphere. One possible means of identifying such sources is to undo the paths high-energy cosmic neutrinos take on their way to Earth, since they arise from cosmic rays colliding with matter or radiation, resulting in particles that then decay into neutrinos and gamma rays.
Scientists with ice Cube The Antarctic Neutrino Observatory has now analyzed a decade’s worth of these neutrino discoveries and found evidence that an active galaxy called Messier 77 (also known as the Squid Galaxy) is a strong candidate for a single high-energy neutrino emitter, according to a new paper Published in the journal Science. It brings astrophysicists one step closer to solving the mystery of the origin of high-energy cosmic rays.
“This observation represents the dawn of the ability to actually do neutrino astronomy,” Janet Conrad, an IceCube member from MIT APS Physics. “We have struggled for a long time to see potential cosmic neutrino sources of very high interest and now we have seen one. We have broken a barrier.”
as such Notify us earlierAnd neutrinos Travel near the speed of light. John Updike’s 1959 poem, “Cosmic galHe praises the two most defining features of neutrinos: they have no charge, and for decades physicists thought they had no mass (they actually have very little mass). Neutrinos are the most abundant subatomic particles in the universe, but they rarely interact with any type of matter. We are constantly bombarded every second by millions of these tiny particles, and yet they pass right through us without us noticing them. That is why Isaac Asimov called them “ghost particles”.