iCata Opens Up About Harassment by Sebastián Ramírez on Big Brother: A Revealing Account

2023-10-22 22:12:24

The streamer iCata revealed that she often pretended to be asleep during the Big Brother confinement, to prevent Sebastián Ramírez from bothering her.

It was during a live broadcast that the former participant detailed the harassment experienced in the house and where once once more the darts were aimed at Seba.

“I remember that I didn’t sleep. I pretended to be asleep sometimes so he wouldn’t bother me, cachai? I was just pretending to be asleep and the other (yelled) ‘shut up, let Catita sleep’”he recalled.

“He told me ‘I defended you, I defended you’ and it was like…brother, “He did it just to annoy the girls, the girls spoke super softly.”complemented the cosplayer.

Seba’s harassment of iCata

It is worth remembering that iCata resigned from the reality show last Thursday, following completing a month of confinement. He alluded to health reasons, especially linked to stress such as colon problems and insomnia.

Something that marked her time in the program were the conflicts with Sebastián, which are increasingly repeated with more and more participants of the bull run, especially the women.

In fact, while she was still in the studio-house, she told her classmates regarding certain episodes of harassment she experienced with Seba.

“Today, when I woke up, Seba was like that, he looked at me with a pillow like that,” he said while showing how Ramírez was holding a cushion over his head to throw it at him as soon as he woke up.

On another occasion, she told how he was waiting for her outside the bathroom and also scared her.

“Later I had nightmares,” she revealed that time between shy laughs and added: “Because she has her outbursts, I think that one day she is going to put the pillow on my face like that,” she explained, alluding to the action of suffocating her with the object. After this the transmission was cut off.

#iCata #detailed #harassment #Sebastián #Ramírez



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