IBGE points to growth in the digital market

The perspectives for those who intend to enter the job market, or upgrade their current career, are positive. This is what the result of data from the Continuous PNAD (Continuous National Household Sample Survey) released in the last week of February (02/28) by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) shows. According to the survey, the average unemployment rate in 2022 was 9.3%, the lowest level since 2015, which registered 8.5%. And, according to an expert, there is a growing demand for professionals in the technology field.

The survey shows that unemployment in the labor market dropped by 4.5 percentage points and, on the other hand, that the unemployment rate in the country is still 2.4 percentage points above the lowest level in the series, recorded in 2014, with 6 .9%.

In the analysis of sector specialists, the Brazilian labor market surpassed, at the end of 2022, the pre-pandemic level. Given that it opens up a positive perspective and opportunities in various areas of economic activity, with emphasis on digital training, depending on the need in the market.

In view of data from the IBGE survey, which points to a drop in the unemployment rate, Professor Edílson Chagas, master in Administration and coordinator of several courses at the Centro Universitário Paulistana, reinforces the thesis that there is a growing demand for professionals in the area of ​​technology.

According to the master, the research “Digital transformation, productivity and economic growth”, by the Movimento Brasil Competitivo and the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), shows that expenses and investments in IT as a percentage (%) of revenue, reach 50% superior to countries in Asia and Latin America. And it also highlights that, a study carried out by the National Industry Observatory points out that the demand for professionals in the digital areas will be 779,000 in the next three years. For Edilson Chagas from UniPaulistana: “A great perspective for work, considering that around 60,000 professionals are trained per year in the country and that the opportunities for these professionals do not stop growing”.

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