IAPA warned about an increase in attacks against journalists after the July 28 elections in Venezuela

  • The international organization denounced that journalism has become a “high-risk profession” in the country | Photo: Pixabay

The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) warned that attacks against journalists increased in Venezuela in the context of the presidential elections on July 28, according to a report from the organization, pending approval at its 80th Annual Assembly, which will be celebrated in Argentina between October 17 and 20.

“The cases of journalists being attacked are countless. During the electoral period, attacks perpetrated by police forces and parapolice groups increased, instruments to keep a muzzle on critical voices in the face of claims of fraud and lack of transparency,” the letter says.

Likewise, the organization says that the government of Nicolás Maduro continues to “overshadow the few vestiges” that remain of the freedoms of the press and expression, which has turned journalism into “a high-risk profession” in the country, after the authorities detained a dozen press workers in the months before and after the elections.

IPYS documented 49 cases of restrictions for communicators between January and September

“The persecution, harassment and judicialization of journalists have been constant in reports and complaints made by the National Union of Press Workers (SNTP),” the report highlights.

The IAPA highlighted that in Venezuela there are almost no independent print media, after the closure of dozens of newspapers in the last decade, while radio and television stations “are silenced” by orders of the National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel).

Closing of La Voz Newspaper

On October 3, the SNTP denounced the closure of the La Voz newspaper by the National Integrated Customs and Tax Administration Service (Seniat).

“A commission showed up at the warehouses where the newspaper is printed and closed the facilities. It is one of the few prints left in Venezuela,” he wrote on his X account.

According to the SNTP, the closure was ordered until May 2025 and the Seniat assured that the media outlet did not have the fiscal billboard updated.

“Independent journalism is present on the internet, but subject to a strict official blocking policy that the regime implements through telephone companies and service providers. The blockade also extends to social networks,” the letter continues.

Blocking of different media and platforms

In this regard, the text recalled that – in addition to the fact that the blockade, ordered by the Executive, of several digital media was maintained in August – President Nicolás Maduro asked citizens to uninstall the WhatsApp application.

Likewise, it blocked free access in Venezuela to the social network in another country where the platform is not blocked.

Journalist's Day: SNTP denounces the obstacles to the profession in Venezuela

In addition, the IAPA mentioned the cases of journalists who “were deported” or not admitted to the country in their attempt to cover the presidential elections, the result of which is considered fraudulent by the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) and not recognized by numerous countries.

The PUD assured that its candidate, Edmundo González, won the elections with a wide margin, after which protests broke out in all regions of the country and the authorities carried out a wave of arrests that resulted in thousands of arrests.

Journalists detained in the post-election crisis

-Luis Lopez
-Ismael Gabriel González
-Yuosnel Alvarado
-Paul Leon
-Deysi Peña
-José Gregorio Camero
-Eleángel Navas
-Gilberto Reina
-Ana Carolina Guaita

Attacks against post-election press workers

On August 30, the National College of Journalists (CNP) reported a total of 102 attacks against journalists and media after the presidential elections of July 28, including deportation of foreign correspondents and “arbitrary detentions.”

Through the social network Instagram, the union indicated that, from the day of the elections until August 29, there were 19 cases of “intimidation”, 15 of “deportation of foreign correspondents”, 15 “arbitrary detentions”, 14 “ coverage impediments”, 10 acts of “harassment” and 9 “threats”.

CNP will request the CNE to reopen the accreditation process for coverage of the elections
EFE/Ronald Pena R

In addition, five physical attacks were documented, three closures of radio programs, three campaigns against CNP executives, two “deletion of recorded material,” two “damages to media headquarters,” one “attempted theft of equipment.” ”, a “passport cancellation”, a “radio station closure”, a “theft of equipment” and “damage to property owned by a journalist”.

With information from EFE

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