IACHR monitors and modifies precautionary measures for Williams Dávila

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) adopted Follow-up and Modification Resolution 49/2024, in relation to the situation of former Governor Williams Dávila, who is being held hostage by the administration of Nicolás Maduro.

In the Resolution, the IACHR analyzed the continuation of the risk situation identified in 2017. The information presented by the representation reflected a persistence of threats, surveillance, intimidation, harassment and attacks against Williams Dávila in a context of systematic persecution of the political opposition in Venezuela.

The IACHR regretted the lack of information and implementation of protective measures by the State, which would place Dávila in a situation of lack of protection and vulnerability in the context of the country.

Williams Dávila’s whereabouts have been unknown since August 8, 2024, after being kidnapped by regime security officials at the end of a vigil in Plaza de Los Palos Grandes. On Wednesday it was learned that he was transferred to a hospital in Caracas due to a severe urinary tract infection.

The IACHR believes that the current situation of Williams Dávila is part of a cycle of events against him, with the aim of removing him from public debate. Therefore, in accordance with Article 25 of the Regulations, the State of Venezuela is requested to adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the life, personal integrity and health of the former governor of Merida and also to adopt the necessary measures to ensure that he can carry out his activities as an opposition leader in Venezuela without being subject to threats, harassment or acts of violence.

#IACHR #monitors #modifies #precautionary #measures #Williams #Dávila
2024-08-28 00:35:02



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