IACHR grants precautionary measures to journalist Roland Carreño in Venezuela

August 18, 2024, 11:57 am
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On August 17, 2024, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights adopted Resolution 50/2024, granting precautionary measures for the protection of Roland Oswaldo Carreño Gutiérrez after determining that he is in a serious and urgent situation that poses a risk of irreparable harm to his rights in Venezuela.

According to the request, journalist, political activist, and national representative of the opposition party Voluntad Popular, Roland Carreño, was detained on August 2, 2024, in the afternoon in Caracas by agents of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN). His current whereabouts are unknown, leading to concerns that he has been forcibly disappeared. Both the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM) and SEBIN have denied holding him. Additionally, authorities have reportedly refused to accept a complaint regarding the incident or a habeas corpus petition on his behalf.

The requesting party indicated that Roland Carreño had faced harassment, persecution, and imprisonment in 2020 by officials from the Bolivarian National Police. During that detention, he was allegedly coerced into recording a video detailing his responsibilities as the head of operations for the Voluntad Popular political party in Venezuela, remaining in custody for three years without adequate medical attention. The State has not provided any information regarding his situation.

After reviewing the factual and legal claims, considering the climate of repression during the post-electoral protests in Venezuela, and monitoring by the IACHR’s Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression regarding the beneficiary’s circumstances since his arrest in 2020, the Commission expressed particular concern about the information suggesting that the beneficiary was detained by state agents.

The Commission noted that despite efforts to report the disappearance or file habeas corpus petitions, these were not accepted by the authorities. It characterized the beneficiary’s situation as one of extreme vulnerability, given that his current location and status remain unknown, and expressed concern that this situation could have a chilling effect on other journalists’ ability to express themselves freely in the current national context.

Therefore, in accordance with Article 25 of the Regulation, the State of Venezuela is requested to:

– adopt the necessary measures to protect the rights to life and personal integrity of Roland Oswaldo Carreño Gutiérrez, specifically to clarify whether he is in state custody and the circumstances of his detention, or the measures taken to determine his whereabouts or fate, and

– report on the actions taken to investigate the alleged incidents that led to this precautionary measure to prevent their recurrence.

The granting of this precautionary measure and its acceptance by the State do not imply any prejudgment of a petition that may eventually be submitted before the Inter-American System regarding a possible violation of rights protected by applicable instruments.

The Commission is a principal and autonomous body of the OAS, whose mandate derives from the OAS Charter and the American Convention on Human Rights. It has the authority to promote the observance and defense of human rights in the region and serves as a consultative body to the OAS in this field. The Commission consists of seven independent members elected by the OAS General Assembly in an individual capacity, who do not represent their countries of origin or residence.

Roland Carreño: Human Rights and Political Persecution in Venezuela

August 18, 2024, 11:57 am

Roland Carreño

Background on Roland Carreño

Roland Oswaldo Carreño Gutiérrez, a journalist and political activist, serves as a national representative of the Venezuelan opposition party Voluntad Popular. Carreño has been a vocal critic of the Venezuelan government, advocating for democratic reforms and human rights within the deeply polarized political landscape of the country.

The Situation of Roland Carreño

On August 2, 2024, Carreño was apprehended in Caracas by agents from the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN), leading to a disturbing series of events. To date, his whereabouts remain unknown, and reports suggest he may be a victim of forced disappearance.

Urgent Appeal for Action

On August 17, 2024, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) adopted Resolution 50/2024, granting precautionary measures for Carreño’s protection. The resolution highlights the serious risks to his rights, emphasizing the need for immediate governmental action.

Details of His Detention

Following his arrest, multiple attempts to locate Carreño have been made, but both SEBIN and the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM) have denied holding him. Furthermore, authorities have dismissed efforts to file complaints or habeas corpus petitions on his behalf, exemplifying the challenges faced by those advocating for human rights in Venezuela.

Past Harassment and Persecution

  • In 2020, Carreño was previously subjected to harassment and imprisonment initiated by officials of the Bolivarian National Police.
  • During this detention, he was reportedly coerced into recording a video detailing his activities as head of operations for Voluntad Popular.
  • For three years, he was held without adequate healthcare and basic rights.

Impact on Freedom of Expression

The IACHR’s concerns extend beyond Carreño’s specific case; they represent a broader trend in Venezuela where government repression stifles journalistic freedom and political dissent. The Commission emphasized that Carreño’s situation poses a potential chilling effect on other journalists and activists in the region, limiting their capacity to operate freely and safely.

Precautionary Measures Proposed

The IACHR has requested that the Venezuelan government:

  • Take immediate steps to ensure the safety and integrity of Roland Carreño.
  • Provide transparent information regarding his current status and any actions taken to determine his whereabouts.
  • Investigate the alleged circumstances surrounding his detention and implement measures to prevent any potential repetition of such occurrences.

Importance of International Oversight

The role of international bodies like the IACHR is crucial in monitoring human rights conditions in Venezuela. Given the precarious political climate, international pressure can play a significant role in the protection of human rights defenders and journalists, making it imperative for organizations and governments worldwide to stand in solidarity with political prisoners like Carreño.

Understanding the IACHR’s Mandate

The IACHR, a principal organ of the Organization of American States (OAS), is tasked with promoting human rights within the Americas. It operates independently, comprising seven members elected by the OAS General Assembly, who represent their individual capacities rather than their countries. The Commission’s work entails:

  • Monitoring human rights conditions in member states.
  • Providing advice on human rights policies.
  • Documenting cases and issuing reports that inform both regional and international human rights standards.

Call to Action for Global Support

Enabling and sustaining human rights advocacy requires collective action. Here are practical steps that individuals and organizations can take:

  • Raise Awareness: Share news about Roland Carreño and the broader situation in Venezuela through social media and community discussions.
  • Support Human Rights Organizations: Donating to or volunteering with organizations focused on human rights can amplify efforts aimed at protection and advocacy.
  • Engage Politically: Encourage lawmakers in your country to take a stand on Venezuela’s human rights abuses and support measures that hold the government accountable.

Table: Summary of Actions Required by Venezuelan Authorities

Action Description
Protect Rights Ensure the safety of Roland Carreño and guarantee his personal integrity.
Accountability Investigate Carreño’s disappearance and hold responsible parties accountable.
Provide Information Disclose Carreño’s whereabouts and the circumstances of his detention.


Roland Carreño’s case shines a light on the urgent necessity for robust international advocacy and the protection of human rights in Venezuela. The concerted efforts from global leaders and citizens alike can help ensure that justice prevails and can ultimately safeguard the fundamental rights of individuals like Carreño as they continue their fight for a free and democratic Venezuela.



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