IACHR asks to investigate the attack against María Corina Machado

After the complaint made by opposition leader María Corina Machado about the vandalization of the vans where she and her team are transported, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) condemned the events through a message published on the social network X.

The IACHR condemns the attack reported by María Corina Machado, in which the brake cables of her vehicle were cut, which occurred on July 18 in Barquisimeto, Lara state«wrote the organ. They also urged Venezuelan agencies to carry out an investigation into the case.

«IACHR urges the State to guarantee the safety of all people with political leadership, as well as to diligently and independently investigate these events and punish those materially and intellectually responsible.«he requested.

The founder of Vente Venezuela showed in a video two vans stained with silver paint parked in a gated community in Barquisimeto, and assured that one of the cars had the engine cap removed so that it would lose all the oil, and in the other “They cut the brake hoses«.

Machado assured that these actions are “an attack on the lives of those of us who use these vehicles”. The attack occurred 10 days before the presidential elections.

#IACHR #asks #investigate #attack #María #Corina #Machado
2024-09-30 06:30:59



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