I would shoot my next film in Prague, said the award-winning Daniel Brühl in Vary

I have a question for you, you will be showing your film Neighbor in Vary soon, and if I were your neighbor and invited you over, what would you bring me to eat to impress me?

I’m half Spanish and half German, and when it comes to food, I’d probably switch to my Spanish side and bring tapas. And I’m very lazy, so since I have a tapas bar in Berlin, I would call there first and bring tapas that others have prepared and pretend that I prepared it for you.

What is your relationship with the Czech Republic, are there any places you want to visit, have you not done so yet?

A lot, actually, because I have been mainly in Prague on various occasions for work over the past few years, and in fact I will direct my next film once more mainly in Prague. And I’d also like to see Brno once more, if that’s the correct pronunciation?

It is correct, but Brno is a city that does not exist.

Okay, so I’ll pretend to laugh and pretend I got the joke. But really, I was there as a teenager and I would like to go back because it was beautiful. Those forests and villages that are in this part of the country. But there’s a lot more I’d like to see in the Czech Republic, so next time I’m directing in Prague, I’ll make sure to stay for weekends and travel in all different directions.

Photo: Jan Handrejch, novinky.cz

Daniel Brühl received the festival president’s prize. He reveled in the fact that he was prettier than Oscar


Daniel Brühl arrived in Vary. A German megastar with a Catalan heart




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