“I woke up from Monday to Friday”: Luis Núñez speaks from prison and reveals the money that was spent on parties

Two months after being sentenced to 10 years and one day in prison for the crime of simple homicideformer soccer player Luis Núñez spoke from the Rancagua Penitentiary Complex.

In the first instance, the former UC crack insisted on his innocence. “Until today, there is no concrete argument that can prove that I am guilty of what I am accused of. All the things within the investigation, the trial, are vitiated, all badly done. There is no scientific or material proof”, he explained, in an interview with Third.

In addition, he maintained that “the people who have been pointing at me, who say they saw me shoot… it’s all a lie. I know that, two or three days before the trial, the prosecutor met with the person who has been accusing me to explain what he had to declare and what not, telling him not to give those kinds of details, that they had come together to be able to convict me.

Later, Lucho Pato explained that “I had my career, I should never have been here. I was able to be a successful person. Maybe I was wrong in details and I couldn’t achieve what I really deserved in football, because I had the conditions. My mistake may have been going to that place, but I’m from La Legua. I have the right to be in my town whenever I want. I have my family, my children still live there. I can go whenever I want. The issue is that unfortunately I am Lucho Pato and he got me involved in something they shouldn’t have ”.

On a more intimate level, Núñez recognized that if he could change something it would be “never having left my wife. I was separated from her for a couple of years and it was the worst mistake of my life to have left her, to have focused my career more on having sex, at night, worrying about going out and having a good time and not having focused on my wife and daughter. I would try to recover the time with her and my children. The second thing is that I would like to go back to 2005, when I left San Felipe and went to Católica. Until then I would like to go back. Starting again with Católica, in 2006. Perhaps, having made better decisions in my best years. I had had a mishap in 2003, due to traffic, but I think that did not harm me. That stage made me mature. After 2005, a different life came, which I did not know how to assume, when I became known”.

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“I have made a mistake”

By way of mea culpa, he revealed that “I liked drinks and women. That was my big mistake. To have left aside my family, my wife and my children”.

How much money was spent in one night? “One million, two million pesos in one night. In my best moment, which was in 2007, with Chemo del Solar, I never slept. He only slept in concentrations. He trained every day at dawn. I played sleeping only the day before the game. I woke up from Monday to Friday, ”he said.

Finally, Luis Núñez clarified that “I will never blame my friends. I am an adult person and my mistakes are my responsibility. I was wrong and I have to pay for my mistakes. Yes, maybe I wouldn’t have lost my family. That was the big mistake of my life: not giving them what they deserve and focusing on other things. And there comes the whole problem. I met friends at the disco. I didn’t go to La Legua much either. This problem was in La Legua, but none of the others was in La Legua.”

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