“I was not afraid… shame on them” says mufti Komotinis to ET about the new challenge

Together with the other two muftis of Thrace, they were expelled by “thugs” from the Turkish consulate in Komotini. “I wasn’t afraid… Shame on them…” he says – among other things – to “ET”, while at the same time the audacity of the puppets of the Komotini Consulate who “starred” in pro-girling, has no limits, as they let it be understood that it was for… provocations!

“Where does one conclude that it was premeditated or provocation? They see it that way. Can they read my mind? They can’t! I wanted to perform my individual prayer, as is the duty of every Muslim on Friday. There is no exclusion from the performance of religious services,” said the philosopher to “ET.” He admitted that what took place in the Platanos mosque was “an ugly image”. “But, I was not afraid! I was in the house of God. Still, shame on those who did. The people praying next to me did not react. Only two or three people made a fuss. Is it good for two or three people to behave like this? However, be careful and they will regret it before God. Their behavior was rude,” he added.

After the incident, the sophologist prayed – out of respect as he explained – on the sidewalk, outside the courtyard of the mosque. “My religious conscience does not allow me to proceed criminally”, he clarified, while when asked if he should be accompanied by EL.AS officials, he hinted that he does not need protection, saying that “the state does what is required”.

The sophistic Komotinis has often been in the “target” of the Turkish consulate, the false mufti and their followers. His knowledge, his moderate statements, his approach to Islam and his tolerance towards other religions, has reduced him to an important factor of the minority, something that Turkey does not want. It should be noted that the unpleasant incident happened just 24 hours after the return of the “cream of the crop” of the Turkish Consulate in Komotini from Ankara, where they met – among others – Erdogan.

And while everyone saw the attack received by the three muftis of Thrace, the audacity of the puppets of the Turkish consulate knows no bounds. During the weekend, all the associations, unions, associations, which are an “arm” of the consulate issued fiery announcements, denouncing… “provocations”! In other words, those who kicked out of a mosque three legal muftis of the Greek state, because the specific place of worship is “controlled” by the false mufti, are accusing the State of “provocation”!

Among them is Hussein Baltazi. “Once again, BOTH HORNS AND SCRATCHED. Since when does the BIG bully, G. Kalantzis, become a victim? When will tobacco warehouses finally turn into decent classrooms? Our righteous fight against the abusers will continue!”, he defiantly claimed in his post.

It is recalled that at noon on Friday, the legal muftis of Komotini, Xanthi and Didymoteicho, Jihat Khalil, Nezden Hemseri and Osman Hamza, respectively, attended the opening of the Xanthi Seminary, which was held in the presence of Mr. of Religion, Giorgos Kalantzis. After the ceremony, they headed to the neighboring mosque of Platanos in order to perform the Friday prayer. However, the pseudo mufti of Xanthi, Mustafa Trampa, was already in the mosque, resulting in tension. When the three muftis tried to enter the mosque, people who are close to the pseudo-mufti and do not recognize the status of legitimate muftis, attacked and verbally harassed them.

The muftis of Xanthi and Didymoteichus left immediately under insults and threats, while Komotinis sat to pray outside the mosque. But, they took him… standing up (!) and led him out of the courtyard, causing the mufti to sit on a bench near the railings and pray. In the video phrases such as: “you came to provoke”, “don’t talk”, “take off your saree”, “get out”.

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#afraid.. #shame #mufti #Komotinis #challenge



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