“I was abandoned emotionally”

2023-05-03 01:09:19

Antonio Gasalla’s health became news in recent weeks following it was known the severe memory loss he suffers as a result of a cognitive disease. As reported by Marcelo Polino, a close friend of the comedian, the first symptoms began in 2020.

But this scenario became even more complex following it was revealed that the actor was the victim of a group of unscrupulous people. It is that some people took advantage of Gasalla’s situation to keep the works of art, the antique furniture and the money that he kept at his home.

Moreover, according to the journalist, in the last month of March a stranger would have used the status of Mama Cora’s creator to settle in her house. So it was that the comedian’s family decided to resort to Justice to request the “determination of the capacity” of the comedian, currently admitted to the Otamendi Sanatorium for evaluation.

The purpose of this procedure would be to establish whether he is in a position to manage his assets, taking into account that in recent times they have made him sign documents that would harm him financially. And, within the framework of this case, a precautionary measure would have been issued to prohibit him from approaching Julia Elena Díaz, identified as the intruder who entered the artist’s house.

What the woman accused of taking advantage of Antonio Gasalla said

Sponsored by the lawyer Valeria Laura Carreras, the woman made a presentation in Civil Court 83. There she detailed how she contacted Antonio, in what conditions she found him and how she would have helped him during the month in which they saw each other almost daily.

According to the woman’s account, on March 10, she met Gasalla, whom she had met in the 1990s when she ran into him at the Edelweiss restaurant as one more fan, in a bar on Arenales and Ayacucho streets. “He immediately sat down with me, we chatted for hours and he invited me to his house”, he explained in the letter.

From that moment a friendship began. “I started to help him, because I saw him abandoned“, he pointed. And he gave details of some of the aspects that had drawn his attention negatively.

“Antonio had his electric bed broken, it had remained in one position and might not be opened horizontally, it did not move. So I slept in an armchair”, indicated the woman. And she assured that it was she who hired an electrician to fix the furniture in question and that Gasalla might rest properly.

On the other hand, the woman said that Gasalla complained of an allergy that he had in his feet and one hand and that she encouraged him to start exercising. “He did not go to the doctor, he bought an ointment at the pharmacy on his block where they knew that he bought that cream and no medicine”, he explained in the presentation.

The woman denied having settled in the house as stated. ”I stayed one day to sleep, it was a beautiful night, we played that I was an artist. I dressed and took pictures of me”, he counted. And she said that Antonio had given her “Sandals and a long nightgown or camisole” that had belonged to Norma Pons and that she was willing to return if required.

“Antonio He asked and insisted that I stay at his house to sleep, but I mightn’t stay because I have my house, my partner and, even at 68 years old, I have friends and outings”, Diaz later acknowledged. And he confessed that the artist had asked him to communicate with the journalist Jorge Lafauci, because “he missed chatting with people around him” and believed that Polino continued to live in Chile.

Finally, the woman assured that it did “a lot of good” to Antonio, since until she approached him “he was abandoned personally, emotionally and in his health

Díaz’s lawyer explained that they might initiate an action for “Damages and Loss” once morest those who would have defamed the woman.

With information from Infobae

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#abandoned #emotionally



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