“I wanted to understand”: amateur investigator, he relaunches the case of the Skinner of Mons!

Morgan Vanlerberghe has been tracking alone, for five years, the Belgian Jack the Ripper.

The Hotel Métropole, near Mons train station, is one of the key locations in the “Deseceur de Mons” affair, which broke out twenty-five years ago.

On March 22, 1997, police officer Olivier Motte (still alive) was riding to his workplace when he discovered the presence of eight garbage bags below rue Émile Vandervelde, in Cuesmes. It was the beginning of a terrible affair. In the following weeks, until April 1997, a total of 15 bags were found, containing 38 body parts, from five corpses. Women between 22 and 43 years old.

Belgium discovered the horror. The case was reminiscent of Jack the Ripper. Like her, that of the Skinner of Mons remains unsolved.

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