“I wanted to reassure…Never with the Democratic Party” –

There is “no fibrillation within the government majority. I want to reassure Italians and voters.” This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Antonio Tajani, speaking on “Zona Bianca,” the program that airs on Rete 4. “I wanted to reassure Forza Italia and center-right voters. Forza Italia will never form a government with the PD, much less with M5S. We will never bring either Conte or Schlein to Palazzo Chigi. It’s true: we have addressed important issues, such as citizenship. I believe it is right to grant citizenship to those born in Italy, who have completed a full course of studies up to the age of 16 and obtained a diploma. Because they were educated to know and respect our language, our history, our geography, our Constitution,” he continued, referring to the theories sparked by the issue of ius scholae.

Right school, Bersani: Apertura di Tajani?

Video on this topic

“But I say that we need to be more severe with regard to those who, having an Italian ancestor, ask for a passport only because they want a passport, not because they want to become Italian – he then underlined – I believe that, after a thorough examination, our parliamentary groups will present a comprehensive bill on this. We do not want to create problems for anyone”. On the subject of differentiated autonomy “it is right to move forward, but we want the application of the reform to be preceded by a snapshot of the situation, to understand how to implement it in the best way”. “We do not want there to be discrepancies between citizens of the north and the south. The law must be the same for everyone”, the deputy prime minister pointed out.

#wanted #reassure…Never #Democratic #Party #Tempo
2024-08-30 03:35:08



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