I want us to take Pakistani politics in a new direction: Bilawal Bhutto

Former Foreign Minister and Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto has said that our 2 generations have been coming to Lahore High Court to seek justice.

Bilawal Bhutto while addressing the Lahore High Court Bar said that I have been given another chance, I am grateful to the Lahore High Court Bar. Our 2 oppressed, victimized generations have been coming to seek justice.

He said that I say with great respect that till today this Lahore High Court is seen as a crime scene because a murder took place here and the murderer was dictator Ziaul Haq, the judges of the Lahore High Court and the Supreme Court, the bureaucrats who were in it. He became a facilitator.

He said that I am grateful to all the judges, including Justice Qazi Faiz Isa, that the reference sent by President Zardari 12 years ago is being heard and I hope that after so many years, the leader of the people will get justice.

Chairman People’s Party said that the judges will wash away those stains with their decisions, not only because they will give justice to me, my family and my workers, but because they will draw a line on another stone that any minister after today. Azam should not be treated like this so that the country can develop

Bilawal Bhutto said that our nation is very hardworking, we are not less than anyone else, the OIC conference was held in Lahore under the leadership of Quaid-e-Awam, Pakistan led the Muslim world. If the leaders were present, they were killed, is it just a coincidence?

He said that there has been a division in Pakistani politics, we had turned politics into personal enmity, the biggest role in this was Khan Sahib, he used to say that I will not talk to a thief, so the training It goes to the rest of the political parties that if it is mine, then it is good; otherwise, if it is a traitor, if it is an infidel, such a country cannot be run.

He said that I am a patriotic Pakistani, I respect the political workers, no matter which party they belong to, I need your help so that we can break the fever that has spread in the country, if today this politics of division in Pakistan again. If it is seen, then it has to be accepted that it was brought back by Khan Sahib.

Bilawal Bhutto said that I want us to take Pakistani politics in a new direction, if we do the same old politics, then whoever becomes the prime minister, the country will not run, we will not be able to avoid problems, I think that The ongoing case of the leader of the people is a great opportunity for us to correct our history.

He said that when the old politicians are in the opposition, they mention the constitution, democracy and human rights and when they come to the government, then they forget the constitution, law and democratic rights. Someone turns the country into a Tiger Force.

He said that we have to take away our right now, we have to make our own decisions, then maybe we will be able to save our country, our people from poverty, unemployment, we are going through the biggest economic crisis in our history. We all have a country, let’s contribute to the development of this country, we don’t want to disappoint our young generation.

#Pakistani #politics #direction #Bilawal #Bhutto
2024-08-21 03:00:40



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