“I Want to Die” video of a Shanghai-based corporation goes viral! French Consulate Confirms Shanghai French Business: Endless Collective Punishment | China | New Head Shell Newtalk

Shanghai residents line up in residential areas to undergo nucleic acid testing in batches. Photo: Dazhi Image/Archyde.com (file photo)

The Wuhan pneumonia outbreak broke out once more in China. The Beijing authorities insisted on “dynamic clearing” to trigger a humanitarian crisis. The hard-hit area of ​​Shanghai was closed for many days. Recently, a video of a Frenchman in Shanghai trying to break through the fence and shouting “I want to die” went viral and attracted attention. The French consulate in Shanghai also confirmed the incident. Some people in Shanghai accepted an exclusive interview with French media, exposing the real situation and difficulties in the local area, and describing it as “endless collective punishment”, which is very different from the false appearance claimed by the Chinese authorities. These foreign interviewees all hope to leave China forever as soon as possible. .

A few days ago, a Frenchman in Shanghai tried to break out of the blockade fence, shouting “I want to die”, “I want to commit suicide” and “No one cares” in French, Chinese and English, and then he was subdued by Chinese epidemic prevention personnel. The video went crazy. The rumors sparked fear and controversy. While there are many videos on social media of residents on the brink of emotional collapse, French people shouting “I want to die” are just the tip of the iceberg. French politicians called on the government not to stand idly by, French media quoted French far-right party representative Florian Philippot as tweeting: “A Frenchman has collapsed because he is afraid of the horror of the new crown concentration camp! This is so sad. Why did the French government stand idly by!”

On the 29th, La Libération published an exclusive interview with Benoit Guidee, the French consul general in Shanghai who had been stationed in Taiwan and praised Taiwan’s three miracles of economy, democracy and a kind society. Ji Bowei said, The biggest challenges at present are the status of isolation centers, blocked medical channels, psychological trauma, long and cumbersome administration, and lack of various supplies. The hospitals are all closed or there are only first aids left. Sometimes you have to contact 20 hospitals to find a hospital with resources to treat the French, and you have to ask the district committee to issue permission to go out, find transportation, and find a way to get back the locked and closed Chinese administrative organs. inside the passport.

The French consulate in Shanghai also confirmed to the French media that the person in Shanghai who collapsed and shouted “I want to die” is indeed French and has been taken care of by nursing staff and is in stable condition. Another Frenchman, Henri, who lives in Shanghai, told Jiefang Daily that under the zero-clearing policy, “I have been unable to leave the house for regarding a month. I only open the door for a few seconds and put garbage in the corridor, and electronic detection will notify the guards. The gate of the building is also blocked with locks and wooden bars. If there is a fire, there is no way to escape.” Henry said bluntly: “It doesn’t matter if we continue to pay the rent or not get the deposit back. We have to leave China forever, tomorrow if we can.”

Henry and Zoé, a French couple, received a notice to quarantine a few days ago. Someone would pick up their two children. They asked the Consulate General for assistance. Henry recalled, “We were terrified, negotiated for 5 hours, and finally they let the children go. “. Ji Bowei stressed that they are very concerned regarding this issue and have made it clear to the local government that it is impossible to take children away from their parents. Zoe also explained the internal conditions of the Shanghai isolation center. She described: “The sanitary conditions are terrible. There are masks, phlegm, and cigarette butts in the shower. The trash can in the toilet is full, and there is a lot of blood in it, because women lack physiological supplies.” However, she said that work The people are very nice and the people help each other out.

Alessandro Pavanello, who was also in centralized isolation, is from Italy. He and his girlfriend tested positive on the 26th of last month, but he was brought to the isolation center two weeks later, but before that, he Already turned overcast. Within two hours he was turned away by several centers for not being comfortable enough for foreigners, and then taken home. However, like many people returning from the isolation camp, he was turned away by his neighbors and ended up at the Shanghai Exhibition Center, a symbol of progress. The report pointed out that the public’s fear of centralized isolation is more than the virus itself.

With Shanghai’s lack of medical access, diabetic and asthma patients are crying out for medicines on social media. An Italian journalist said: “My friend’s violin teacher had cancer but mightn’t get painkillers. He mightn’t bear the pain and jumped out of the window to commit suicide.” A 30-year-old Chinese woman who goes by the pseudonym “Miss Fang” told French media: “I often eat only one meal a day, and I feel like I’m living in a period of famine (of Mao Zedong’s policy). I will never leave the refrigerator empty once more.” Miss Fang, who lives alone, said: “I was insomnia, panicked, mightn’t breathe, and cried while watching online videos… With a lack of human interaction, I felt like I had symptoms of post-traumatic stress, and I was completely cleared of political considerations by the Shanghai authorities and the Chinese Communist Party. The policy is really angry.”

Frenchman Nicolas de Rougé alleges that a friend received a reprimand and lost his job following failing to code for an interview on French TV. And his community was closed once more. De Hujie complained to reporters: “I am an entrepreneur, and I have no business now, but I still have to continue to pay my employees’ salaries, rent and super-expensive ingredients. This is really endless collective punishment.” In France, the flight has been resumed since the 15th. Although the way home is far away, all foreign respondents said they can’t wait to return home.

●Suicide can’t solve the problem, life can definitely find a way out, “New Head Shell” cares regarding you. If you need consultation or related assistance, you can dial the Lifeline hotline “1995”, Mr. Zhang’s service hotline “1980” or the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Anxiety hotline “1925”.

A few days ago, a Frenchman in Shanghai tried to break out of the blockade fence, shouting “I want to die”, “I want to commit suicide” and “No one cares” in Chinese and English. The video of being subdued by the epidemic prevention personnel went viral, causing Horror and controversy. While there are many videos on social media of residents on the brink of emotional collapse, French people shouting “I want to die” are just the tip of the iceberg. French politicians called on the government not to stand idly by, while Europeans were increasingly concerned regarding the situation in Shanghai.

The Wuhan pneumonia outbreak broke out once more in China. The Beijing authorities insisted on “dynamic clearing” to trigger a humanitarian crisis. The hard-hit area of ​​Shanghai was closed for many days. Recently, a video of a Frenchman in Shanghai trying to break through the fence and shouting “I want to die” went viral and attracted attention. The French consulate in Shanghai also confirmed the incident. Some people in Shanghai accepted an exclusive interview with French media, exposing the real situation and difficulties in the local area, and describing it as “endless collective punishment”, which is very different from the false appearance claimed by the Chinese authorities. These foreign interviewees all hope to leave China forever as soon as possible. .

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