I too am threatened – The Time

Moussa Sangare, the 30-year-old who confessed to the murder of Sharon Verzeni, had been reported to the social services of the municipality of Susio. Both his sister and his neighbors had done so due to the boy’s irascible behavior. The first request for intervention had been made in July 2023 when Sangare had set fire to the kitchen of the apartment where he lived with his mother and his younger 24-year-old sister. The mayor had signed an order declaring the property on the second floor of the building on via San Giuliano unfit for habitation. In the following months, his sister had also tried to request medical intervention, which had fallen on deaf ears. At the same time, Sangare had been reported to the prosecutor’s office for three different occupations, the last in May 2024 for the hypothesis of family abuse. The red code had been activated by the Bergamo prosecutor. No precautionary measures had been adopted because Sangare had no longer had contact with his mother and sister.

Life in prison. Salvini thunders on Sharon Verzeni's murderer

And it is Awa Sangare herself who tells Eco di Bergamo how she escaped a fate of death: “When they told us that he was the one who killed that poor girl, we were shocked. We knew she wasn’t well, but we could never have thought it could come to this. It shouldn’t have ended like this, absolutely not. Our thoughts go to that poor girl, to Sharon and her family, we are very saddened. No one has done anything for my brother,” Awa reports. “We did everything we could to free him from his addiction, to entrust him to someone who could help him, but he always refused. After we had verbalized the complaints, they gave us flyers from anti-violence centers, while for a hospital stay in some center to help Moussa out of his addiction, they told us that he had to show up voluntarily.”

Moussa Sangare's Crazy Confession. Sharon's Family: Let's Not Talk About a Rapture

“The threats with the knife – Awa reveals – there were days when fear was always inside the walls of the house, it never left me. Days when he screamed, talked to himself, was delirious. In recent times, he has not been violent with us anymore. Before last April he had never used a knife against us. But that day, April 20, he came up behind me while I was listening to music in the living room and threatened me with a knife. I hadn’t noticed anything; my mother, who hasn’t been able to speak since her stroke, was trying to make me understand that I was in danger. Then I turned around and Moussa stopped. He left, laughing”. A tragedy waiting to happen.

#threatened #Time
2024-09-04 18:23:42



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