I sold my iPhone 15 Pro Max on Flip and how much they gave me for it in like new condition – nwradu blog

I sold my old iPhone 15 Pro Max on Flip. I kept it on the shelf for about a week after switching to the 16 Pro Max, mainly to see that the new one doesn’t have any hidden problems that require return or service. He didn’t have.

So on Thursday evening, October 10th, I filled out the sales request on the Flip website, saw what they were offering me on it, and accepted. I checked that the phone looks “like new” in all respects. Battery was at 99% life. I chose to hand it over to an easybox myself and received a code to that effect.

On Friday morning I reset it, peeled off the film from the screen and took the photos below, so that I have some evidence of the condition in which I packed it in case the jars get messed up or other problems arise surprises.

I then put it back in its original box and another box that an order from eMAG came in and put it in a locker. It was picked up the same day.

On Monday, October 14th, I received an email that it had arrived at Flip and opened a ticket for it, to be inspected by technicians. The next day, on October 15th, I received another email confirming that its condition was as I described, “like new”, and that I would receive the money originally estimated by Flip within 20 days.

Flip gives me 4,500 lei for it. This was their offer:

Seems like a good value to me. By comparison, iStyle offered me 3,457 lei for trade-in, and that was conditional on the purchase of another phone from them. Others who offer buyback are MP Store, who also have a store in Parklake. Their online offer was 4,139 lei. Flip therefore gave much more money.

In case you’re wondering why I didn’t sell it on OLX, there the prices vary a lot on a quick search. There are similar iPhones sold for between 4,000 and 5,000 lei. On the other hand, there are sellers who sell new phones for 4,250 lei, 4,400 lei and 5,000 lei. Assuming that the offers are real and the phones are “unquestionable”, how much can I realistically get for a used SH for a year if others are selling the same new phone for 4,250 or 4,400 lei?

I think mine sold on Flip in the first hour. I wanted to post this article when I see it listed to show you. I think I saw it… for a few minutes, included in the ones on the left in the image below. An hour later, those “like new” 256 GB natural titanium iPhone 15 Pro Max were already listed as “last in stock” and then they were all gone.

Flip however says it will transfer my money on November 4th, 20 days from now.

This is the second phone I’ve sold on Flip. In December 2023 I sold a Samsung S23 Ultra that I had at the time. I also checked then that it was like new and the valuation was 4,250 lei. After analyzing the Flip, they told me that it is actually in “excellent” condition, with some fine scratches on the side and traces of use. They were right, he had those marks, I think at some point I hit him with something, but it didn’t seem like a problem to me. They lowered the value from 4,250 lei to 4,080 lei and I accepted that.

But what I learned then is that it is a great advantage to be nice to your mobile phone because you preserve its resale value. That’s what I did with the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Flipping the Script: My Escapades with Selling the iPhone

So, there I was, sitting pretty with my brand-spanking new iPhone 16 Pro Max while the old iPhone 15 Pro Max languished on the shelf like an out-of-work actor in a mediocre B-movie.

After a week of giving the new gadget a thorough once-over, I assured myself it wasn’t hiding any issues—no “under-the-rug” surprises waiting to trip me up like a clumsy cat on a Roomba. With affirmative beats in my chest, I decided to sell the old tech. Enter Flip, the online buyback service that promises more than your grandmother at bingo night.

Setting the Stage for Sale

On October 10th, I filled out the sales request like I was auditioning for a role in “Buyer’s Remorse: The Musical.” The price offered? A tidy 4,500 lei, thank you very much! Meanwhile, other contenders like iStyle wanted to sweet-talk me into buying another phone before even considered letting me trade in my old one for 3,457 lei. Oh, come on! Who do they think they are? A shady car salesman on a used lot?

A Picture-Perfect Departure

With dollar signs dancing in my head, I reset the iPhone, peeled off that protective film from the screen—like removing the final layer of my emotional baggage—and snapped some photos to document its pristine condition. You never know when you might need to prove that your phone hasn’t lived a life of debauchery under your ownership.

Then, I packed it in its original box and concealed that baby in another box from an order I got from eMAG, because let’s face it, who doesn’t love a good disguise? I stashed it in a locker, taking every precaution like a covert spy handling a sensitive dossier.

The Wait and the Worth

The very next morning, it was picked up. Quick as a flash! By October 14th, I had confirmation from Flip that my phone had arrived and that it was getting a post-mortem by their tech experts. The following day, I got an email confirming it was “like new”—just like I had described. I felt like I’d just aced a pop quiz.


Now, picture this: Flip handed over a price of 4,500 lei on the dotted line, while OLX had sellers hawking similar models for anywhere between 4,000 and 5,000 lei. I mean, who are these OLX sellers? Even my mom wouldn’t pay that much for a used iPhone, and she thinks everything has sentimental value!

Lessons Learned

This marks my second endeavor on Flip. Back in December 2022, I sold a Samsung S23 Ultra. They claimed it was in “excellent” condition and managed to drop my valuation from 4,250 lei to 4,080 lei after a few fine scratches were discovered—mind you, I’ve seen worse selfies! In hindsight, it was a lesson learned: treat your tech like royalty, and it shall return the favor. Spoiling your phone means cash in your pocket when it’s time to let it go.

In Conclusion

In true dramatic fashion, Flip promised to transfer my money on November 4th. So here I am, counting the days like a kid awaiting Christmas morning. Remember, folks, the condition of your tech can make or break your resale game. Now, if only I could flip all of my old clothing as easily as I’ve flipped this phone. Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too?

So, who’s next on the chopping block? My old microwave? That toaster that looks like it survived a zombie apocalypse? The possibilities are endless!



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