I saw the headlock, the punch, Mr. Grammenos falling down – 2024-04-28 02:45:36

Stratos Simopoulos, ND MPdescribed the incredible images that unfolded just outside the Plenary Session in the Parliament yesterday Wednesday 24/04/2024 with independent member of parliament of the “Spartiates” Konstantinos Floros to attack and punch him Member of Parliament of the Hellenic Solution, Vassilis Grammenos.

Konstantinos Floros is facing a felony, today at the Investigator

Speaking on the show “Society Hour MEGA”, he said: “I watched half the episode. I saw the headlock, the punch, Mr. Grammenos falling down, the people of the Parliament picking him up while Mr. Floros kept saying: “Don’t curse my mother once more“. It turns out that the extreme right, either through the “Spartans” or through the “Hellenic Solution”, was inside the “Hellenic Parliament”. The episode proved that “Kassidiarism” is inside the Parliament”.

K. Floros in court, “Hellenic Solution” MP V. Grammenos with a broken nose

The president of “Spartiates”, Vassilis Stigas, spoke regarding Konstantinos Floros.

“At the beginning of September, he became independent. We haven’t been in touch since. He had come as a new kid and I said let’s put in a new person as well. After the events of August we tried to find them like with everyone, but he didn’t want to. As far as I know, he was not related to Ilias Kasidiaris. Among the documents in the memorandum, it was that Constantine was in charge of the youth of the “Greeks”. This has never happened,” he initially said and added:

“I condemned it, but I have to say that Velopoulos’ side was very bad. They provoked him I will say, but no matter how much he provokes you, you cannot reach this act. I have also fallen victim to Velopoulos. He had a nickname on Twitter and insulted his political opponents. The last incident is Konstantinos Bogdanos, what he said I cannot convey. Bogdanos suddenly started swearing at me and in the evening he was at the Velopoulos canal”.

“Kassidiaris is a real leader”: Why did the Areios Pagos “cut” the Spartans from the European elections

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#headlock #punch #Grammenos #falling



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