“I put classical music on it…”: María Luisa Godoy’s emotional story about the “dignified” death of her father

María Luisa Godoy was the guest for the chapter of from you to you (Channel 13), while he is getting ready to have his fifth bus and for what will be the Festival de Viña 2023.

In this episode, he talked regarding different passages in his life, including when he got married at the age of 26, a union that only lasted a few months. “My first marriage was my first big failure,” she recounted. “It felt like something very painful and it took me many years to get over it.”

However, that milestone allowed her to invite her father, former deputy Domingo Godoy, who had suffered a stroke fifteen years earlier, to live with her. “My dad was the age of my friends’ grandparents,” she said. “I was very shocked to live that last time with him”, because “he was already bedridden and might not walk”

There, he confessed, “for the first time I felt afraid of something, and it was disability.”

The “worthy” end

After eight years living under the same roof, at 91, he decided that his goodbye would be at home, not in a clinic. “I said goodbye to my dad in a very nice way,” she recalled.

“It began to turn off, I called the geriatrician, and he told me that he had 24 hours left,” he explained. “Then we might take him to the clinic or let him die at home.” However, “my dad hated hospitals”, so he “always told me that all he wanted was to die at home, in peace”.

Faced with the imminent outcome, which occurred in December 2013, “I called all his children to say goodbye,” he said. “He loved classical music, so I put on classical music, we brought him a priest who gave him extreme unction, surrounded by his children and he left super peacefully.”

“He never complained, he never asked me for anything,” she had told in Your time has come (TVN). “She taught me to die like this, with dignity and with a very happy life, very peaceful and honest.” In short, even “to die” was a “simple” type, he even told his offspring: “I’m at your house, I’m paid.”



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