“I paid 151 euros but strangely…”

Marleen Pirard, a resident of Saint-Trond, is not the only one to have experienced a reservation problem with Ryanair. Several of them reported the same problem with a flight purchased on Sunday April 17, 2022. On that day, they all tried to book a trip. “I booked a flight on Sunday April 17 from Charleroi airport to Comiso, Sicily. I paid 151 euros with my Visa card as well as an additional 15 euros for the company’s travel insurance, ”says Belang van Limburg Marleen.

If the site informs her that her reservation went well, the lady does not however receive any confirmation in her mailbox. She also cannot find any record of her booking in her Ryanair account. The days pass and she still does not see the color of her journey. Calls to Ryanair lead to nothing.

Finally, without confirmation, Marleen decides to book a new flight on Wednesday, April 20. “It was 8 euros more expensive, just like travel insurance,” she complains. Above all, the 151 euros paid for the first were debited to him. Fortunately, she, like the other victims of the problem, will not have to pay twice for their flight.

The Irish airline, which is not known to be the most generous in this kind of situation, issued a refund to all customers who had tried to book their flight on April 17. Proof that that day, something did not work properly on the Ryanair site.



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