“Eat-and-run” incidents frequently occur for self-employed people who are already experiencing difficulties due to the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19), which is causing pain once once more.
On the 3rd, an online community posted a story of a self-employed ‘eating’ incident near Hongik University in Mapo-gu, Seoul.
Writer A claimed in an article titled ‘Please take a look at the eating aunts’, claiming that they were eaten by three women who are estimated to be in their 40s who visited around 6 pm on the 1st.
He said that at the time, women visited his restaurant and ordered two servings of muktae, one serving of budaejjigae, two bottles of soju, and four tonic water.
Mr. A also posted a picture of a closed circuit (CC) TV captured with the article. If you look at this picture, they are posing each other at a drinking party and taking a ‘selfie’ together.
Person A, who thought he was a good drinker because he ordered a large amount, said, “I don’t drink often and I mostly sat for a long time while eating dinner.
Person A added, “It disappeared while I was cleaning out the refrigerator with a part-time student.”
He explained the situation at the time, saying that the three of them came around 6 pm and 2 hours later, one of the party went first.
He said, “It’s ridiculous that adults who are not young enough to eat and eat well and sit for 4 hours on the weekend are eating and drinking,” he said. he complained
Person A continued, “Because of these people, there is always something to suspect.” He urged business owners in Hongdae and Sinchon to be careful.
Netizens who came across this article in the community criticized it, saying, “It’s not too late now. Go quickly and apologize and pay the bill” “The police will catch you if you want to” “It’s embarrassing to eat and eat, life is so embarrassing,” and “I hope you get caught.”
[이상규 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]