In recent years, the marriage of a fashion designer and a socialite has been repeatedly subjected to severe tests. Valentin Abramovich did not advertise his serious diagnosis for a long time, which might not but affect his family life.
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The ill-fated cancer, with which the famous couturier is fighting to this day, was diagnosed in 2016. However, the guru of domestic fashion decided not to give up. In the same year, Valentin Yudashkin underwent four operations in 20 days, which significantly changed the course of events in his favor. But even today, the honored artist of Russia looks noticeably thinner, which may indicate the presence of numerous health problems that doctors have not yet been able to solve.
Yudashkin considers his relatives to be his main saviors, despite the participation of doctors in his fate. The wife provided special support to the fashion designer. Marina Yudashkina was always near her chosen one, and it was she who managed to set her husband up for a long and stubborn struggle with a dangerous disease. Not so long ago, the couple went abroad. There, according to fans, noticeably refreshed couturier is clearly on the mend. The couple walked through the streets of Dubai in an embrace and looked really happy from the outside.
And today, a touching post appeared in the microblog of the fashion designer’s favorite muse, delighting the Russians to the core. Congratulating her beloved man on another wedding anniversary, Marina Vladimirovna shared several archival footage with fans at once. In one of the photos, a blonde beaming with joy presented her young and healthy chosen one, who at that time had not yet suffered from a dangerous illness.
“Valechka! Today is our anniversary, 35 years together! Coral/linen wedding! We have experienced a lot with you, we have a wonderful daughter and grandchildren! And I love you not for something, but just love! And I wish you health! And may our love continue to lead us through life, surrounding us with good luck and good friends!” – admitted the wife of Valentina Yudashkin.