“I lost 6kg for the romantic heroine”… Jung Ga-eun returns to the screen

picture explanationStills from Ga-Eun Jung in ‘An Insignificant Life’. Photo I Inol Media Co., Ltd.

Actress Jung Ga-eun is looking for a theater in the new year with a fantasy romance. It is through the movie ‘Insignificant Life’.

‘An Insignificant Life’, which will be released in January next year, is a time-slip fantasy melodrama regarding ‘Lee Seon’, who left for the past just before his death, and tries to find love once once more by facing his ex-lovers. A woman’s life and love are captured in a time travel.

Director Seo Dong-heon, the original author of the movie ‘Volcano High’, which became a legend of domestic martial arts action, took charge of the script and directing.

While raising expectations with a fresh time slip romance with a unique story and unpredictable development, Jung Ga-eun, a broadcaster who is active in all-around entertainment, takes on the role of ‘Lee Seon’, the protagonist who travels in time, and takes on the screen challenge following a long time.

It is rumored that Jung Ga-eun showed more passion for acting than anyone else, such as losing more than 6 kg for the role. As she said that ‘Lee Seon”s life in the movie is like looking back at herself, she plans to show off a new and different side of herself with an immersive performance that is one with her role.

In addition, new and unique actors such as Kwak Pil-je, Kim Yi-heon, Noh Jin-won, and Na Mi-hee appear, as well as comedians Mirage and Zoltan, who are emerging as the trend these days, and Jeon Yoo-seong make special appearances to gather strength.

[한현정 스타투데이 기자]

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]



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