I look forward to activating “school theater” on the ground

2023-09-30 19:48:59

Beloved actress Cheryl Hines and the idea of ​​a First Lady

Cheryl Hines, the beloved American actress and wife of Robert Kennedy Jr., spoke regarding the idea she had of becoming the First Lady of the United States. If she obtains the title, she intends to be a role model, like others who held it before her. She not only wants, but wants to be influential and participate in accomplishing work, and she also expressed her admiration for “strong women like Hillary Clinton.”

The beautiful blonde, who has liberal friends in Hollywood, revealed that her husband was ready to separate from her, following some of his statements sparked controversial press headlines, in order to protect her. But she refused!

Haynes does not mince words when she speaks for the first time regarding Joe Biden, the current president of the country, who has continued to refuse to provide Secret Service protection for her husband, despite the tragic history of the Kennedy family, and the assassinations that claimed the lives of his uncle and father during political campaigns. The dialogue begins and Cheryl Hines answers the first questions: > Your husband, Robert Kennedy, Jr., is running for president… This is a very important statement.

– is not it? It’s a really important statement. Okay.

> First, let’s start with personal safety. There were reports of an attempt on your husband’s life recently. With a history like the Kennedy family, the assassination of the president, and then the presidential nominee, and your husband asking for the bare minimum, like Secret Service protection, and the Biden administration refused that; How do you, his wife, feel regarding the matter?

– I feel, at least, that the rejection of the request is very disappointing, and also very sad; It is clear that Biden is making it political. Yes, it is a political arena of course, but at the same time, we are talking regarding someone’s safety and someone’s life. So, the rejection of the request was quite disappointing.

Actress Cheryl Hines interviews media personality Daphne Barrack

> There were, as is known, members of the media calling for him to be given protection from the Secret Service, specifically two weeks ago here in Beverly Hills, where an armed person was found next to him!

– Yes. He showed up. A man came to the event carrying a loaded gun and carrying a backpack stocked with weapons. Fortunately, there are men with Bobby who maintain his security and protection, whose services are paid for by the election campaign, and they are the ones who identified the man’s identity and detained him until the police arrived. What is very appalling is that following that situation, Biden did not move forward or say: “Okay, I understand that this is an exceptional situation.”

> Now, tell us; Do you remember that moment when you met the Kennedys for the first time?

– It’s a big family (laughs), so I was introduced to them at different intervals. But, yeah, I remember, I think everyone had more fun than I thought. I thought everyone would look so dressed up and be on their best behavior (and she laughs once more). But that’s not what actually happened. In general, dealing with them is very enjoyable, and they are very intelligent, and I was comfortable with their warm reception and acceptance of me, which was a wonderful thing.

> Did you feel a weight inside you that made you say: Oh my God, I have become part of that (honestly) American royal family. Of course we don’t have a royal family here, and I will become part of this dynasty?

– Of course, I didn’t have that feeling. You know, maybe because I was never involved in politics; I grew up without ever thinking regarding her, or even thinking that the Kennedys were “the American royal family.” It was never part of my life or my experience. So, you know, to me, it doesn’t seem like, there doesn’t seem to be a big difference on some levels, or on some levels between their family and my family.

>Okay. We’re sitting now, and right behind you I see a picture of JFK, right? We see American history only in family photos and inside your living room.

– correct. That’s what I always joked regarding. When Bobby and I moved in together, you know, there were pictures of his uncle and his father everywhere. Just like Uncle Frank, whose pictures I print on T-shirts, and I can put his picture here (and she laughs).

Sometimes when I really step back and look at the big picture, I understand what you’re saying. And yes, it’s a completely different thing when your uncle is a former president of the country, that’s a different thing. But, in everyday life, I don’t really feel that way. Does this make sense?

>You would be a potential first lady. When you look at other first ladies: Who is your role model? Is it Jackie Kennedy, or Rosalynn Carter? As you know, of course, everyone loves Eleanor Roosevelt.

– correct. I loved how much work Hillary Clinton did when she was First Lady. That was very inspiring. And also Michelle Obama, she was also an inspiration; So, I think I look up to them, and maybe because my generation lived through them more, and I, you know, lived through that period. They are two strong and influential women who have accomplished a lot of work! They inspire me a lot. Each of the first ladies had special interests. For example, Michelle Obama, had an anti-obesity program. Laura Bush was more concerned with education, while Betty Ford was, of course, and for obvious reason, more focused on combating addiction.

>Are you planning your goal as a potential first lady?

– I have done work in schools that suffer from a lack of services, and as you know, there are big problems in the country, and it is not related to the schools alone, nor to the children who go there during the day and what happens to them there. It is the schools themselves that have been neglected even recently, and many of them in our country do not have air conditioners, and the temperature in some areas reaches 42 degrees Celsius, and studies are canceled, and the reason does not only relate to children, right? It’s the faculty, it’s the teachers. How can we expect children to learn? How should teachers teach in these conditions and in schools without air conditioning?

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