“I live every day a funeral” – 2024-05-11 22:13:24

The father of 28-year-old Kyriaki Griva, who was murdered by her ex-partner outside the police station of Aghii Anargyro, is asking for justice.

As he emphasized speaking to Mega, “my child was murdered because he was not protected by the police officers who had the obligation to do so by simply applying the law”. “I live a funeral every day,” he added.

Watch video of his statements:

“Tomorrow I have my child’s memorial service and I live a funeral every day. I realize the loss of my Sunday and ask for justice for my child who was killed by her killer in front of the police. Who has psychological problems? The killer who stalked my child and surprised her by lunging at her with the kitchen knife? He had the key to his motorcycle and his cell phone and took the knife with him, ready to leave as soon as he finished his horrible plan. The one with his scars, that he allegedly wants to kill himself, is in the psychiatric hospital of Korydallos prisons and is protected. My child, who protected him?’ he initially reported.

He added: “Three female police officers who chased her away while she went to report her violent and dangerous partner and I told her “you call 100 or the police”. The guard who was slaughtering my child in front of his eyes and did nothing or the policeman who mocked her that “the patrol car is not a taxi” and spoke in a processing manner as if he was receiving a complaint regarding a delivery. That night no one did their work and their duty. Why; My child was murdered because he was not protected by the police officers who had the duty to do so by simply enforcing the law. I ask that all the police officers involved be punished and that the investigation be cut to the bone because some superiors placed these police officers in their positions and my daughter was left unprotected like a “sheep to the slaughter”. I ask for justice and for the courts to be held quickly so that Sunday is not forgotten and all the guilty are punished.”

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